Republicans Do Not Disenfranchise Blacks Every election cycle, - TopicsExpress


Republicans Do Not Disenfranchise Blacks Every election cycle, Democrats falsely accuse Republicans of “disenfranchising“ blacks, citing the 2000 election, even though second recounts of the votes in Florida by the Miami Herald and a consortium of major news organizations confirmed that President George W. Bush won the election. Also, investigations by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division found that no blacks were denied the right to vote. If even one black person had been denied the right to vote, that person’s name would have been blasted on the front page of every newspaper in the nation. As for the “felon purge list,” the Miami Herald found that whites were twice as likely to be incorrectly placed on the list as blacks. Even though Republicans did not deny blacks the right to vote in 2000, Democrats continued to tarnish the Republican Party with false accusations of voter suppression in 2004, 2006 and 2008. These charges were made in spite of the fact that record numbers of blacks voted during those elections. Also, it is pure demagoguery for Democrats to claim that requiring voters to present valid identification is tantamount to voter suppression. On the contrary, such a requirement helps to prevent the type of illegal activity conducted by unscrupulous voter registration groups, particularly ACORN (now calling itself “Community Organization International Network – “COIN”), a group for which President Obama was a legal advisor and that has been prosecuted by several states for voter fraud. People cannot board an airplane, do business in a bank or get food stamps without a presenting photo identification, so why is it impossible for them to present photo identification to vote? Since voter identification is supported by 75 percent of the voters and has won the approval of the Supreme Court, it is obvious that Democrats are using this issue to divide America along racial lines. Democrats are falsely equating voter identification requirements to voter suppression in a blatant attempt to get blacks to vote against Republicans who are seeking to preserve the integrity of our voting system. Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:20:09 +0000

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