Republicans, The Party Of Obstructionism and Hypocrisy, Would Love - TopicsExpress


Republicans, The Party Of Obstructionism and Hypocrisy, Would Love To Take Credit For The Improving Economy / Jobs Report. They Wish To Deceive America / We The People, For Political Gain. Batter’s Box: Note: 01) Note: 02) TransCanada Is a Large Corporation That Wants To Build The Keystone Pipeline / Keystone XL Pipeline, That Would Link The Canadian Oil Sands, To America’s Gulf Coast; and Very Soon America’s Land Will Be Given Away To Canada Using Eminent Domain. Note: 03) Note: 04) Leaving The Obvious Environmental Impacts / Fights To Others; Who Stands To Gain and Why? Answer: Charles and David Koch aka The Koch Brothers. Who Owns The Calgary, Canada Oil Sands? Answer: Charles and David Koch / The Koch Brothers. Why? Greed. Note: 05) nytimes/2015/01/09/us/senate-panel-approves-keystone-pipeline-bill.html?_r=0 Note: 06) reuters/article/2011/02/10/idUS292515702420110210 The Koch Brother’s Corporate Trust Reaps Hundreds of Billions of Dollars Every Year; Why Should Americans Pay To Transport Koch Oil? This Pipeline / Infrastructure / Koch’s Logistical Solution Should Be Paid By: Charles and David Koch, Not Tax Payers / We The People! Kochs Know All Too Well That The Total Benefit For The United States Is Less Than One-Tenth Of 1 Percent, Or Less Than 40 Permanent Jobs; While Charles and David Rake In Hundreds Of Billions Yearly. Who Pays When Koch Oil Spills In The Heartland? Note: 07) Note: 08) We Should Make The Money We Save, Available To Pay Down Student Loans / Debt, Or As President Barack Obama Said, The First Two Years Of School Is Free If You Keep Your Grades Up.” Koch’s Pipeline, Projected Cost Is: Seven Billion; This Would Pay Off / Forgive Many, Many Student Loans! America Is Built On, “We The People,” and NOT, “We The Koch Corporate Trusts.” These Elitist / Greater-Holier Than Thou Brothers Are The Same Brothers, Who Bought Multiple Elections In November, 2014. Charles and David Koch Are Now Calling In Their Favors / Paid Republican Pawns. The Koch Brothers Have No Qualms, About Having American Tax Payers Foot The Bill, For Their / Koch’s Logistical Business Tools. This Is Not Only Political; It Is Criminal, and Very Un-American. Note: 09) billmoyers/2014/10/27/buy-election/ Note: 10) During Times Like These, People Of Good Conscious Stand, Together and Support President Obama. Please Take a Moment and Let Him Know What Is On Your Mind. Send Keystone Pipeline Feed Back To: The Only Way That The Koch Brothers, and Their Puppet Republicans Can Get Away With Their Plans, Is If We Let Them. Note: 11) Note: 12),_Jr._Day #SoundsLikeFreedom Bury/Rise #SoundsLikeLiberty Thank you. Sharon and Blake PS Note: 13) PPS Note: 14) PPPS Note: 15) Democrats Envision Peace Before Going To War, Just Ask FDR: Congressional Republicans Have Continually Acted Inappropriately During a Time Of War On Behalf Bankers / Banks, and Their Henchmen Putting Our Soldiers At Risk, Even Homeless. This Organized Crime / Collusion Goes Far Beyond a Culture Of Corruption; This Is Foreclosure Fraud / Felonies On a Massive / Nationwide Scale. Fannie Mae (et al) Knew Back In 2003, and Did Nothing! Can Bankers Go To Jail Or Are They Immune? Please See: A) Please See: B) nakedcapitalism/2012/08/mark-ames-tracy-lawrence-the-foreclosure-suicide-america-forgot.html Please See: C) Please See: D) Please See: E) PPPS Note: 2015) Now Is The Time To Rally Around Barack Obama; The Next Time / When You Get The Chance, VOTE. #VotingMatters The Only Way That The Koch Brothers, and Their Puppet Republicans Can Get Away With Their Plans, Is If We Let Them.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:37:51 +0000

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