Republicans to take action on critical legislative issues, - TopicsExpress


Republicans to take action on critical legislative issues, including reaching a balanced budget agreement that replaces the sequester before the end of the year. Many of you have heard me say, but you know it as well, there are 8 legislative days left in 2013, according to the Republican Majority schedule. Two of those days, of course, are days in which you come in at 06:30. So that there is not much time to do the work of the American People. However, Republicans seem content to let the clock run out on replacing the irrational sequester with a balanced agreement. A sequester that will hurt our country, will hurt our economy, and will put at risk our national security. We have to prevent a second year sequester from taking effect in January. Even Republican appropriators, who sent a letter to budget conferees on Monday are saying we need to take action now. All 12 Republican chairs of the subcommittees have said that. They said this: the failure to reach a budget deal to allow Appropriations to assemble funding for FY 2014 will reopen the specter of another government shutdown. If the Republicans are going to be a responsible leadership party, they will prevent -another government shutdown- and they will provide for adequate funding for the government of the United States of America. The current sequester and the upcoming Second Sequester in January would result in more indiscriminate across the board reductions that could have and in my opinion would have negative consequences on critically important federal programs, especially national defense. That quote was from the Republican chairs. The American People, they went on to say, deserve a detailed budget blueprint that makes rational and intelligent choices on funding by their elected representatives and then they added this: not by a meat ax. A lot of you come out of the Appropriations Committee and understand the obligations and responsibility of that committee to the American people. Not to a party. Not to Democrats or Republicans, but to the American People. Congress must act to spur job creation by ending uncertainty and passing Make It In America bills as well. There is no time to waste. There are only 6 days and 2 partial days left, to do your work. I have urged my Senator Friends, as I know the Leader has, you will not vote to adjourn until such time as we have addressed such important issues on the agenda. Among those is the Budget Conference, the Unemployment Insurance, the Farm Bill, the SGR, fix, Tax extenders and yes, you ought to deal with comprehensive Immigration Reform and ending discrimination in the Workplace as well. Your Caucus is determined that you will stay and do the work of the American People.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 18:21:51 +0000

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