Rescue Committee: 26-man presidential panel to secure the release - TopicsExpress


Rescue Committee: 26-man presidential panel to secure the release of 223 female students of the Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State. A rescue committee while human lives are at stake? What has happened to executive Presidential powers and authority? We dont even know what has become or will become the fate of these young Nigerians girls; but our President thinks the formation of a committee will solve the problem. Absolutely inapt under this circumstance. The Committee will sit for how many days, and then what? The report will ask the President to direct the military and security agencies to mount an operation against the abductors? The President already has that power to direct the military and the agencies without the need for a committee. Or, assuming the Government knows much more about this abduction than they are telling Nigerians, the report will indict certain elements, eg Borno State Government, and some others and ask them to produce the girls? The Federal Government already has security reports indicting certain people without the need for a committee. Or is this Committee that of the First Lady, who report says, wants to take over the investigations and liberations of these girls? Committees, committees, committees. Absolutely ridiculous under this circumstance. A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours - Milton Berle If you want to kill any idea in the world, get a committee working on it - Charles Kettering A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done - Fred Allen Then hear this: Borno state governor is giving N1m to the families of more than 200 abducted female students. That is more than N200 million. The families are more interested in their children than money, their daughters are not for sale. If the governor use the money to pay for intelligence, the missing students will be brought back home. Why is a man supposedly with brain faculties doing something as risible and daft, not to talk of suspicious as this?
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 14:41:25 +0000

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