[Rescue of Survivor 救援倖存者记] A rescue mission that made - TopicsExpress


[Rescue of Survivor 救援倖存者记] A rescue mission that made our rescue team, regardless gender/age in an immediate tears on site. To Pets owner, we plead..please be responsible owner, Abandoning a pet means youre killing it. To public that dislike animals/dogs, we plead, please do not hurt them, they meant no threat. 3pups was found abandon at a new shoplot at 7th mile area. Week ago, Nicole spotted them starving & thirsty. Since then she began to feed them daily. 4days ago, she went over to see the pups as usual, but they werent there. For the past 3 days,theres no signed of the pups but an awful smell came from the staircase where the pups used to shelter themselves, blood stained was clearly splashing on the floor. She couldnt access into the lock staircase, in panic she contacted SOS for help. The very next day (yesterday noon) SOS with SSPCA went over to the shoptlot with Nicole. We found the shop lot guard & asked him to open the staircase gate. The team was hit with horrible, cruel & heartless scene. 2pups was dead, with blood stained all over the floor. Another pup was lying in fear looking at her dead siblings at the same time she doesnt want to leave them. They were poisoned to death by some devilish human. We called upon public who had witness/cctv footage or evidence of this cruel act, please inbox us. Be ensure that the informer details/name remain highly P&C in SOS/SSPCA For now Survivor survived but was weak and currently is at our panel vet for diagnosis and fight for her life. Were awaiting for the result. We hope & pray she will make it through. We wished to informed Survivor to stay strong & do not give up on her life as theres loving home & family is waiting for her to be with them. Who can make this wish come true? Who can give her more encouragement to live and not to fear or be tricked by human any more? Who can teach & show her what love and life is in future? 这是一个充满着血泪,令所有在场的志工心碎的经历。 恳求所有宠物饲主们,请当个负责,有担待的主人,任意遗弃您的宠物,等同借刀杀人的侩子手。 恳求公众人士们高抬贵手,您可以不喜欢流浪毛孩,但请别伤害他们,他们并不构成社会安全威胁。 一个星期前,Nicole发现三只幼犬被遗弃在古晋七哩的新店区。他们看来既渴又饿,Nicole从那刻起每天风雨不改的给他们送上食物和清水。就在四天前,Nicole一如既往地去给三个小宝贝送饭,现场不见宝贝们的踪迹;接连三天,不管怎么叫唤,迎接Nicole的是弥漫在空气中,越来越浓烈的腐臭气息,一阵阵的从宝贝们平日栖息的楼梯间传来,触目惊心的血迹,将梯级染的斑驳可怖。Nicole 慌了,她无法进入上锁的楼梯口,无计可施之下她向S.O.S寻求帮助。翌日上午 S.O.S协同邻近的SSPCA 职员在Nicole的带领下来到上述地点,要求当职的保安员打开紧锁的梯门。 映入眼帘的一幕,是如此的令人不忍直视...两只幼犬已经死去多时,干涸的血迹布满四周,倖存的小生命恐惧虚弱的捲伏在手足的遗体旁,寸步不离。 他们被没人性的人类毒害了! 我们急切地呼吁知情人士,目睹事情经过的路人,拍摄到的闭路电视录像记录...私讯提供我们有关资料,您的身份绝对保密。 目前倖存者在诊所留医,我们时刻期待她能撑过难关。 祈求倖存者还有机会体验生命的美好,祈求倖存者还有机会明白家的意义,祈求倖存者还有机会重拾对人类的信任,祈求倖存者还有机会学习去爱,去憧憬未来...如果倖存者能够活下来,您会是伴随他走完一生的人吗?
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:14:23 +0000

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