Research interesting and frightening at once. BY Dr. Guy Bechor. - TopicsExpress


Research interesting and frightening at once. BY Dr. Guy Bechor. Worth the read! ! ! 02/01/2014 Who is the largest European city to be the first with a Muslim majority, and those who come after her? And when it is likely to happen? Multi Muslims in Europe soared since the Arab Spring, and the results are history. Even politics in Europe is changing, and its nothing to do with us or our conflict, its about them. Is Europe entered a dark tunnel, of no exit? What does it mean its investment real estate and the future in general and what is reckoned to me Danish journalist pessimistic? Special: Who are the European cities will be the first with a Muslim majority? For Europe you do not Mcirimmat Dr. Guy Bkorbthilo thought it would be majority Muslim first major European cities only at 2030, which is not very far, but migration Million from Middle East and North Africa to the EU, following the Arab Spring, speeded up the process. estimated that since the outbreak of civil wars in our region emigrated to Western Europe about three million Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Egypt, North Africa and Black Africa, in addition to Muslims - Arab, Pakistani, for example, Eritrean and Bangladesh. Process exodus, migration of nations, continues and expands even now, as you read these lines, and you can not stop it. Therefore expected in the following cities Muslim majority coming decade. It means a Muslim mayor, council members most Muslims, budgets often this Muslim mosques and social agenda entirely different political and secular liberal than todays. Interestingly, many Muslims vote for leftist parties in socialist Europe, but they mean something completely different from liberal thinking - secular, as shown below. Muslims expel the Christians from their areas, and settled en masse in the areas that were once Christian. First city to be in a Muslim majority within a decade coming is the second largest city in France, the southern port city of Marseille, with 30-40% of Muslims today. In 2016 is expected to be inaugurated in Marseilles huge mosque, built at a cost of 33 million dollars, with Minrat height of 25 meters and a prayer hall contains 14 thousand worshipers, as befits a huge Muslim community of the city. As we all examples, once the percentage of Muslim immigrants is very high, rampant street crime, and has been dangerous to live today in Marseilles, especially young people. With the mafia and gangs are everywhere. About Marseilles seems the French Republic gave up (Jews fleeing away), but today it Marseilles, then this can also be Paris (where the percentage of Muslims is about only about 15%). European city other big, be it Muslim majority in the next decade , is Barcelona, with 30% of Muslims, mostly Moroccans, North Africans and Turks. There are smaller cities in Spain that have already 40% Muslim, the town of Salt, and across the country has huge demand in mosques and Muslim religious services. The political and religious requirements of Muslims in Spain are all the time, and it is likely that when will be the majority, will become much more religious country and their hegemony. Strangely, this country had expelled the Muslims concentrated in its century - 15th, and now they are definitely coming back. Third city expected to be a Muslim in the next decade is the capital of the European Union, ironically, Brussels, Belgium, with the percentage of Muslims today 25-30% . Muslims in Brussels are highly organized, and have more power than the entrance Catholic, because their numbers are rapidly leaping, being the majority is something already predicted and scouted the local community. Congress has in the demographic categories, bring up the question of what will happen when the original Belgians will become a minority, how we will live together? For years, the most common name for the baby Brussels is Mohammed. Expected fourth city to be a Muslim in the European Union is in Malmo, Sweden, with 25-30% Muslims and 40% of total strangers. As it Baiter cities with a high percentage of Muslims, even Muslim crime rates here are very high, with robbery, murder, kidnapping and rape of a local, many rapes. Muslim percentage of the capital Stockholm slightly lower, about 20%, and in May 2013 riot thousands of them in the streets and clashed with police for many nights. Locals stayed indoors fear and Swedish media hypocritical would not in any way describe the rioters and looters themselves as Muslim. She insisted on calling them young, even though she knew well these young Muslims. Incidentally, as a result of the riots, Muslim communities in the state budget, of course, increased. Regarding Israel has no mercy in this communication, but about herself is very compassionate, painted, and believe that if you do not read the name problem, the problem would just go away. Like Fuller major cities mentioned above, even Malmo trying to brand itself as a city progressive and modern, but the expansion of Muslim immigration acts in the opposite direction switching it, and it increases the uncertainty of personal and economic city. Those who invest in cities whose fate Konphilkt religious - cultural, large shocks and Muslim majority? the fifth is expected to be a Muslim majority within the next decade is Rotterdam, its mayor, who holds dual citizenship, Dutch and Moroccan, Ahmed Abotalb, who held the position since 2009. Rotterdam known as the capital of Islam in Europe, have unemployment rates and high crime, when the percentage relying on relief and social services among Muslim immigrants going to the city, and other cities, an average of 80%. In other words, migrants fall as a burden on the social system; take and not give. Sixth city expected to be a Muslim in the next decade is Amsterdam, where 25% of Muslims. Muslim birth rates are very high, while the birth rates of the original Dutch are very low, especially as many of them immigrants from the country with the feeling that she lost, and they can not do anything about it. Dutch immigrants to North America, but has routines communities north of Sweden, where they are formed from the villages. These areas are very cold in Sweden, and uninhabited. Muslims conquered, and the Dutch have given up. Yet before a Muslim majority, it has been a huge community of Muslim immigrants in these cities and their politicians like themselves already are created communities, the European left, and the Netherlands also Muslim politicians in increasing numbers. That you want to love Israel? Is hostility to Israel related to us? After all, what we do, whether we give up land or not, these people will hate and shun us. Its not us, its them. Seventh city expected to be a Muslim in the next decade is the Luton, England (about fifty miles north of London), with 25% of Muslims. Muslims in the city are considered active community with extreme and dangerous, and the English who lived there trying to evacuate. There are already areas of the city controlled by gangs Islamic imposes Islamic Sharia. Lawton is the third big in England, whites are already a minority in it, with only 45%, while obviating are Muslims and Asians. Soon And there will be a Muslim community controls. Birmingham City holds percentage of Muslims 22. European countries are considered rich, but the masses such vast illegal immigrants, and the numbers continue to grow, the welfare system their will not be able to bear. This creates an economic problem to European countries, which has no solution, not just a problem demographic or question of identity and culture . economic crisis increases and collapse are, therefore, only a matter of time. reading sequentially site articles on Islam growing Birofhhzinok single numbers of Muslims in major cities and in general, since the Arab spring, has been changing the voting patterns in various European countries, creating problems to Western civilization as well as Israel. us Some blame ourselves attitude of Europe to us, which is boycotting us because of our behavior, but need to understand government established a generation of politicians from the left, a crowd of his choice are Muslim, and he must be loyal to them to be elected. it means to alienate European only grow us, and its not related to us or our actions, this new European politics. In this sense the establishment of the European Union was a serious mistake, which allows free movement of illegal Muslim immigrants all over the continent, with minimum state and local control of the new citizens, who excited to work or to give European country. theyd come just to take. they see in their new cash cow that exploit it, while a minimum of integration. actually putting these immigrants countries within the countries, exploiting collectively the democratic system to advance their goals . France, for example, analyzing the results of the presidential election conducted in May 2012 showed that his victory of President François Hollande and the return of the Socialists to power, the first time since Francois Mitterrand, Nizkfim definitely Muslim voters in the state, elected socialists huge percentage. according to one of the surveys not less than 93% of Muslims voted Holland and gave him the victory. difference between Netherlands Sarkozy was only 1.1 million people, while -1.7 million Muslim votes went to Holland, and they gave him the victory. promised in his election campaign Netherlands that 400 thousand illegal Muslim immigrants in the country Iolveno , that is entitled to citizenship, and he promised that Muslims living in France, but are not citizens, they could vote for local elections expected by 2014. these measures will ensure socialists firm grip on power of the future, because Muslims tend to vote en masse socialists. local elections precisely, is of tremendous importance, because most Muslims are concentrated in big cities, and it will be the beginning of the take over major cities. created here infernal cycle: Muslims support the Socialists, because they divide pensions and financial well-being. socialists interested in increasing the Muslim population, to gain in strength, and that rewards them, and returns again. Socialists and Muslims dislike Jewish values - Christian, and they prefer a multi-cultural, an element Christian - Jewish erased almost completely. that the Christian religion is deleted, the Jewish almost non-existent there, but the Muslim religion is thriving. Socialists and Muslims dislike Together Israel and the United States, and therefore left-wing parties in France emphasize now the trend in anti - Israel, their described also as anti-Zionism - because there is more than one party on the left, and has been competing for the Muslim electorate., it really pays them at the polls. has no these parties real thing with Israel, and thus Jewish voters are leaving the country in droves, but this is the desire to gain attention Communities voters Muslim country., and therefore it does not matter what is done or not done, hostility toward Israel will only get worse, because of the circumstances in the face of Europe. If so, then at least we remain strong and steadfast. situation could change, if we see a revival of European light of the flood demographic this, but the awakening of such (as precisely was the year in Norway), do not look on the horizon. Denmark won the Prime Minister of the Socialist Helena Torening Schmidt (this image Salafi with Obama in South Africa, why was furious Michelle Obama) September 2011 narrow majority of 8,500 votes. according to the order held in Denmark, 89.1% of the countrys Muslims supported it, and Denmark has about a quarter of a million Muslims. easy to imagine the thought that the prime minister of Israel, When she sits on Muslim votes. similar process occurs in the UK, its Labour Party wants to regain control on the Muslim electorate, so the reservations of the State of Israel, even among conservatives. merely Margaret Thatcher dared to show a big pro - Israeli obvious, but since the UK has changed , to a fault. Labour MP Jim Fitzftrik warned, for example, Slmflgto penetrated Islamic extremists, who want to establish an Islamic religious order in the country. It is against our ideas of secularism, he added, perhaps the beginning of a misunderstanding. Indeed , the second generation and third-Muslims already know well the rules of the game, and they attend many Muslims, and entering deputies and MPs Labour Party and the more radical left., or Belgium, where a quarter of the citizens in Brussels are Muslims, while taking over the system of municipal ... The desire of the left to flood Europe while Muslim to strengthen his power is evident in Spain, where the Socialist Party tried to pass a law that would allow half a million Moroccans who live in the country, to vote for local elections. Such a move would leave the Socialists in power for many years. similar trick is trying to promote Obama in the United States while granting permits to 11 million Hispanics who infiltrated the United States illegally, of course, will vote later grateful to the Democratic Party. younger generation of Muslims already entered politics, for example in the Netherlands, and establishes Islamic parties, knowing the support of many millions of Muslims in Europe will be subject to him for many years. already know the rules of Democratic Action, and is not willing apprentices grateful generation of parents. wants rights by force, and even revenge. these are difficult scenarios for the EU which would harm the economy and security, as powerful already seeing where these trends, and leave. conversation I had this week with journalist Danny (non-Jews), he sounds very frustrated from profound changes in these United and Scandinavia in general. opinion are irreversible and lead to bloodshed. Danish original will, in his opinion, over the years, as a community-secure closed Since making it hard to live with the Muslims and the level of violence that exists around them. Future of Western Europe will be the future of Kosovo and Lebanon, the religious wars, car bombs and suicide bombers. He sounded pessimistic altogether. if I can not live in communities secure, maybe Ill come to live in Israel, he added with a wry smile, the face of the lovely day in Tel Aviv where we talked at the end of December. Arab Spring , it turns out, not only affected the Middle East. well its results are already historical Europe, and it is only growing stronger. All this means the continents oldest deep trouble, what will affect its economy, real estate, personal security, and the future world. leftist Hsotzilisti Europe joins Muslims narrow interests - whether its going on over here?
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:45:47 +0000

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