Research on the Goddess Diana Part 3 Ode to Diana I am - TopicsExpress


Research on the Goddess Diana Part 3 Ode to Diana I am Diana Know me I have many names, many faces You know me as the Queen of Heaven, The Huntress, Lady of the Wild Creatures, Lunar Virgin, Daughter of the Moon, My name has been Ishtar, Astarte, Artemis, Ashtoreth. I am mother to Aradia. Sister to Lucifer. Daughter of Zeus, most high. You will find me in Tifata, nearCapua. My temple is atEphesus, before the time of others that stole. My temple is in your heart. My name is your name. My life is your life, our hearts beat as one. I am Diana Celebrate me When I am a maiden on Ostara, call me by name… Diana, Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Venus, Cybele, Freya, and Rhiannon. When I am the mother on Litha, call me by name… Amaterasu, Hestia, Juno, and Sunna When I am the Crone on Samhain, call me by name… Hecate, Inanna, Machi, Mari, Ishtar and Lilith. Call me down when the moon shines full. Embrace me when the moon is dark. Caress me when the moon waxes and wanes. I am Diana Honor me In the night sky as the Great She Bear. In the phases of the moon, In nature, the beauty of a sunrise The mystery of the moon rise. Speak to me at dawn, at noon when the sun’s heat warms your face Whisper to me at dusk when purple fingers of nights stain the sky Sing to me at midnight as you dance beneath my silvery luminescence. Light a white candle and I am there Use jasmine and breathe in my spirit. Place a moonstone in your pocket and I walk with you. Carry me within your heart and we shall be together Always.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 09:30:01 +0000

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