Researching the most influential parenting method over the past - TopicsExpress


Researching the most influential parenting method over the past 100 years. There are 3 standing out to me. Dr. Truby King theory, which I feel ruin generations emotionally, believed and taught that babies should be treated and reared on the same strict regime that worked with farm animals, calves in particular. He published his book on childcare in 1910, and his teaching was still being followed in the 1940s. “Babies,” he said are “controlling and manipulative from birth, and it is necessary to teach them obedience by making them learn that crying will get them nowhere”. He considered it “a dangerous indulgence” to respond to a baby’s crying: “crying is necessary for health, essential exercise for the lungs”. Basically, considered bonding with your child a dangerous indulgence. I wouldnt dare. Thats child abuse. No, thats inhumane. Then theres... Dr. Benjamin Spock has been at the forefront of child care since he first made a splash more than 60 years ago. His advice has been religiously followed by some, dismissed as kooky by others; controversy has swirled around his ideas for decades. But despite the controversy, today – on the 15th anniversary of his death March 15, 1998 – new parents still follow his advice. They just might not realize they do. When Dr. Spocks book, Baby and Child Care, was published in 1946, its simple core message was revolutionary: Don’t be afraid to trust your own common sense. Between that and his insistence that parents should show love and affection to their children rather than constant strict discipline, Dr. Spock challenged the conventional wisdom of early 20th-century childrearing like no one else. Today, the basic tenets of Dr. Spocks child care philosophy might seem obvious to most parents. Hug your child. Tell her shes special and loved and unique. Feed him when hes hungry. Discipline with words, not corporal punishment. But in 1946, this was new. Parents had long been encouraged not to shower their children with affection as this would make them weak and unprepared for the world. Feeding and naps were to be done on a strict schedule, regardless of the babys immediate needs. And a child who just got a mild spanking for an offense got off easy – physical punishment was the norm. Spock changed all that with his encouragement for parents to follow their instincts, be attentive to the babys needs, and be generous with affection. Thank your GOD for Dr. Benjamin Spock. Finally, theres the one Im most impressed with (impressed with Dr. Phil too); its more of my style of parenting: The Continuum Concept.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 20:18:39 +0000

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