Resist the cops and you will get a meat sandwich in guantonamo. - TopicsExpress


Resist the cops and you will get a meat sandwich in guantonamo. Fill it up with corrupt bankers they deserve the torture they caused me torture when they stole my home from me and delayed the deliverance of the world by 5 years plus they stole my deals. They owe us big time and now they are just to big not to fail cause im still sitting here with an eviction letter from an indian landlord and a corrupt jolly roger flag wielding court system and im pissed. Im sitting litteraly on top of a dump of Tacoma we just had a grease fire in one of the units and all six units went up in smoke because of all the methane gas we sit on top of but do you think the same courts I held in Eclesiastical dishoner give a shit no they dont I need a president right now that can shut these loopholes down forever. You see the local cops work for the local da who works for the mayor who works for the Governer who works for the congess who stalls the bills for the benifit of special interests who intern try to impeach the president for trying to impeach tge president to keep organized crime in power under the descise of your local police and court system so yes we can stop them lets finish what we started. HOW DO I KNOW? You might ask, I had a broker from a pharmaceutical company approach me to pay off a lobyist 6.5 million dollars for getting there FDA approval and I handed my password over to the FBI so when congress comes back from break we will see how high up the corruption goes and mabey Mr Snowden is right about all the cronyism I urge my Muslim brothers to be ready to move in on the infidels in power here also my soviet brothers and sisters in colorado and my chinese soldiers in Canida and in Mexico move in on the presidents orders. Enough is Enough.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 07:18:01 +0000

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