Resolving to Accomplish Your 2015 Goals -Summary: Summarize your - TopicsExpress


Resolving to Accomplish Your 2015 Goals -Summary: Summarize your goal based on past, present & future. I dont want to be fat and mean anymore might be too vague. Id like to lose weight and be more patient could be better. -Definition: Describe the goal. Losing a specific amount of weight and stop yelling at your spouse and punching your boss in the nose could be good examples. -Competition: Define your obstacles; what stands in the way of accomplishing this goal, it may include people on stage or other competition as with business competition. The obstacles could be internal too involving your way of looking at situations and dealing with stress. If you are paranoid and see everyone as the competition stop reading this please and seek professional help. -Positioning: Position your goals as if a product to have distinction that will separate your achievements along the way toward reaching your goals. This is best done with finesse and flexibility. #prostatus if you dont have two arms and two legs can be a daunting challenge to accomplish. I dont expect delusion people reading this to understand the point, but everyone else strive to be realistic. -Communication Strategies: Decide who you will communicate with about the progress towards your goals by identifying who will support you along the way by their at a minimum getting reciprocal value from sharing the journey. Trying to be more business-like and professional if your accustomed to posting pics of yourself in a gstring with lots of sideboob in your photos if all your Facebook friends are whoremonging men probably wont be met with lots of encouragement. Figure out who might support you in your goals even if they arent your usual crowd. You dont have to run a Craigs List ad to find supporters. Behave a certain way and they show up. Behave other ways and they leave. You are like an air traffic controller with people flying in and out of your airport based upon your signals :) -Launch Strategy: Realistically assess how much this goal will require of your time and financially. You want to be all in and completely fueled when getting underway. Losing weight can be inexpensive through starvation, but more costly if you want to have anything left but skin and bone and a saggy butt when you are done. -PR: In consideration of your communication strategy be aware that you have to stay on point with how you convey daily, weekly & monthly progress. Saying the wrong thing can cause miscues losing support and be counter productive. Have a public relations strategy and follow through on execution of it. Keeping it real requires you being true to those you want to likewise be loyal to you, which is after all your public. Public Relations has a bad name amongst the #keepingitreal crowd who tend to cuss a lot and are proud of making insensitive public insults and asinine comments. Public Relations and Keeping it Real for a specific audience are synonymous. -Advertising: Think about the different platforms you will communicate your goals on such as Facebook, IG, Google+, websites, youtube, and in timely fashion execute your strategy. If you are knee deep in executing your plan to reach your goal and delete your Facebook account due to a breakup with a creep who keeps messaging you and your only support group were Facebook friends you are in trouble sister. By the time you make up for that loss on another platform your goal may be blackflag dead. -Success Metrics: Determine how best to measure your periodic progress towards your goals and be consistent in making assessments. #prostatus would be easy to determine. I aint pro today. Im pro today. Weighing yourself periodically toward a weight loss goal may or may not be a good idea. Scales freak some people out and if you hold more water than a camel during your period or for instance people training and drinking a gallon or two of water per day WELL the scale may not be the best success metric. -Schedule: Schedule your efforts towards your goals. Dont expect them to happen on their own. A set time to go to the gym sounds easy enough, but as anyone who has had a gym membership knows even that is only one small part of the puzzle towards reaching your goals once there. *These steps are hung on my bulletin board over my desk as steps in setting up and accomplishing a business project. They will work for you whether the goal is to lose weight, stay in honor society at the university or doing better in business. It is after all about handling our business both personal and professional successfully.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:07:10 +0000

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