Respect for Persons in this Group I have a feeling that many - TopicsExpress


Respect for Persons in this Group I have a feeling that many people will reveal many aspects of their private lives here. We may come to find out that someone was victim of a crime, or of abuse, or victimized emotionally in some way. We may find out that someone perpetrated a crime, or caused abuse, or was a victimizer in a way. If we do our jobs well, people will feel safe to share these deeply-held feelings and experiences in this group. Even though this is a public forum, they will feel safe to communicate here. Yet if we fail in our job, people will feel too insecure or threatened to share their experiences. We may never get to a deep level of understanding their needs, their desires, their past, or their hopes for the future. It is easy to cast aspersions and blame. It is easy to heap shame or sweep aside anothers feelings. I will ask that we hold space for people. We allow them to share what they came here to express without risk of reprisal. That we permit civil back-and-forth on topics which may indeed strike chords in our selves, and even, at times, cut to the bone. The Internet is filled with blamestorming, trolling and troll-baiting, argument, innuendo, rumor and scandal. Let that be the case for other forums. For this group, let us elevate our game. p.s. Lastly, though, I will remind anyone that if we come to learn of criminal activity, members of this group may take individual actions as they deem warranted.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:38:00 +0000

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