Respected His Holiness, His Highness Sri Shanakaracharyji Sadar - TopicsExpress


Respected His Holiness, His Highness Sri Shanakaracharyji Sadar Pranam. Sir, whatever you prescribed to the society over Shirdi Sri Saibaba was not totally digestive. You are highly intellectual person and you see to this society by a certain angle. You are binded by the holy scriptures of the Hindu society. You are not free to look at this Universe beyond the certain beliefs. However the issues in the society are more complex. You are saying that the people should not worship Sai baba in the form of GOD. Its OK. But there is no doubt that Sai Baba was a holy saint and he spent his entire life for the people without expecting money or pleasures from the society. His sainthood and simplicity has impressed society and people themselves accepted him as the Lord or GOD. It is the matter of pure emotions and not the matter of intelligence. In India, you may find thousands of so-called incarnations. In every town, every villa, you will find these incarnations. These incarnations have nothing to do with the concept of incarnation of Lord Vishnu. They are not certified by Shastras, but accepted by people themselves, on the basis of feelings. Amongst all these incarnations, Sai Baba has been proved as much superior and better incarnation. Sai Baba never looted people in the name of religion or caste. He never exploited them. He never touched any woman by any wrong feelings. He lived simply and preached people.He never divided the society but tried to unite them and also tried to awaken the people spiritually. Sai Baba himself never called him as Lord or GOD. He always said,Sab Ka Malik EK and he pointed upwards. So He himself never said anywhere that he was the Lord or God. He never said,Aham Brahmosmi or Shivo aham like your counterparts. He was not fraud and never misguided the society. So people made him their God or Lord. So I find no harm in that feeling. People admiring Sai, have never said that they would not worship Sri Ram or Sri Krishna or Sri Ganesha. Instead, the devotees who believe in Lords, also believe in Sai. So, why do you object them? I think, you are right but technically (by head) and not fully (by heart). You are not Sampoorna Satya. You are the worshiper of Element (i.e. Tatva) and people are worshiping entity. Thats the difference. Again, you are talking about the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and dont worry, people have never said that, Sai Baba is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. But yes, they try to see their GOD in him. Because they feel by heart that, if they would be having any God or Lord, he must have been like Sai Baba, simple, kind hearted, generous, pious, holy and preacher. So, dont go in technical details. They are for the gurus like you and not for aam aadmi. Let people worship Sai as their Loving Baba. Thats all. Thank You. Jai Sainath Baba.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 10:20:23 +0000

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