Respected and Honorable Brothers & Sisters come to know that the - TopicsExpress


Respected and Honorable Brothers & Sisters come to know that the Muslim who neglected to acquire the Correct Basic Personal Obligatory Knowledge of al Islaam would fall victim to individuals who call to misguidance. P R O T E C T Yourselves & your families today by Acquiring the Religious Knowledge of al Islaam. Protect yourselves from individuals who go against the teachings of the Prophet peace be upon him. While pregnant with Prophet Muhammad, if the Prophets mother ever sought water from a well, the water itself would rise to her. She said: While I was half asleep, someone came to me and asked me if I felt pregnant. I answered that I did not. Then he told me that I am pregnant with the master and the Prophet of this nation.“ Also when the Prophets mother gave birth to him a light came out with him, illuminating what is between the East and the West. BELIEVING IN WHAT OUR MASTER MUHAMMAD (sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam) CONVEYED. Allah said in the Qur’an: Wa ma atakumur-rasulu fakhudhuhu wa ma nahakum ^anhu fantahu. Ayah 7 of Suratul-Hashr means: “Take whatever the Messenger orders, and refrain from whatever he forbids.” In the Ayah, Allah, the Exalted, orders us to obey and follow the teachings of the Messenger, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. This means for us to obey his command in what he told us to do and in what he told us not to do, because the Messenger is truthful in all what he conveyed. Allah said in the Qur’an: Wa ma yantiqu ^anil-hawa. In huwa illa wahyuy-yuha. Ayahs 3-4 of Suratun-Najm mean: “The Messenger does not speak from his own mind. He says what is revealed to him from Allah.” Everything that the Messenger, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, informed is valid and true. This includes all matters that are permissible (halal) and forbidden (haram). Also are true the stories he told of the prophets who were before him and even matters of the future, like what will happen in this life and the Hereafter. Among the news that the Messenger, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, informed us about is the torture that will happen to non-Muslims and some of the Muslim sinners in the grave. He also informed us about the enjoyments of the pious Muslims in the grave, the Day of Judgment, the presentation of the deeds, the reward, the punishment, Paradise, Hellfire, and other matters. So, the non-believers will be tortured in their graves. As to the pious believers, Allah will illuminate their grave with a light similar to that of a full moon. The mental judgment is divided into three categories: The necessary, the impossible and the permissible. The mentally necessary: It is what the mind cannot conceive its non-existence. This refers to Allah and his Attributes [only]. The mentally impossible: It is what the mind cannot conceive its existence like the existence of a partner to Allah. The mentally permissible: It is what the mind conceive its existence at one point of time and its non-existence at another point of time like the entire creations. Allaah is not this big thing like the sun and nor a small thing like an ant. Allaah is not a body, Allaah does not have a left or a right, size and shape. Whatever we imagine in our minds, Allaah is not like that because whatever we think about has a beginning. Right now! if I think of an orange car and then I think of a green elephant and then I think of a banana and then I think of a bottle of water and then I think of a chair. Here, I am starting to flick through different imagines in my mind. Things are coming and going, coming and going. Whatever comes to our mind comes and goes, it has a beginning and it has an ending. Allaah does not have a beginning and does not have an ending. That is a proof that we cannot imagine Allaah in our minds.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:16:06 +0000

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