Response to: 15 Telltale Signs You Might be a Republican - TopicsExpress


Response to: 15 Telltale Signs You Might be a Republican (mem) ORIGINAL: by Bruce Lindner (a Progressive asshole.) Posted to me by Keith Bishop 1• “I believe Barack Obama is an arrogant narcissist, but Ted Cruz is a humble man who’s just unusually confident in his convictions.” Barack Obama is an arrogant narcissist. Ted Cruz is a better man. I would surely vote for Ted Cruz in 2016 before I would vote for Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. 2• “I admire Vladimir Putin...” STOP! FALSE: I do not admire Vladimir Putin. He is a nasty dictator. But he has been clever enough to clean Barack Obamas clock almost every time. Barack Obama is a failure. I am sad that our American President is such a hopeless bumbler. 3• “Barack Obama hates America!” I believe he truly does hate America. Do you remember him saying he wanted to “fundamentally transform America.” Why would you want to “fundamentally transform” something your truly love? Just what does he wish to “fundamentally transform” America into? 4• Nazism, fascism, Marxism and Socialism are all basically the same thing; examples of left-leaning totalitarianism. You forgot two: Communism & Progressiveism. Yes, they are all examples of left-leaning totalitarianism where the Government is BIG and the individual is nothing! As the saying goes, any government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take it all away! By the way, have you noticed Obama using “Forward” in his speeches and campaigns? Did you know there is a web page called “Forward Progressive” often including a blogger named Allen Clifton. Its regularly re-posted by the Rachel Maddow Fan Page on FaceBook. Heres my question: What is Progressivism progressing forward toward? Do you know? ANSWER: Progressiveism is progressing forward toward socialism, which is progressing forward toward Marxism & Communism. (The dictatorship oof the proletariat and all that.) Sorry if I prefer a small, limited government offering unalienable rights to Life, Liberty & Property 5• The early winter storm that crippled Buffalo this year is . . . proof that Lake Effect Snowstorms sometimes happen during the winter. SHOCKING! 6• If ObamaCare is so great, how come ., . .its a total flop? Failing in all directions. 7• We didn’t have to deal with ISIS when George W. Bush was president. That’s Obama’s doing. The fact is Barack Obama chose to pull out of Iraq and leave no troops behind to be “peace keepers” because he wanted to us being out of Iraq for political purposes in his 2012 re-election campaign. Are you aware that some 68 years after the end of WWII we still have “peace keeping” troops in Germany & Japan? Are you aware that some 62 years after the ewnd of the Korean conflict we still have “peace keeping” troops in South Korea? And we havent had any new wars in Germany, Japan or Korea either. But Obama chose to pull all troops out of Iraq and now we have a fiasco. And you want to blame George W. Bush? PLEASE! 8• Nor did we ever have a case Ebola on our soil. (see No. 7) You must admit that Barack Obama has done his best to bring Ebola to the Americas! Also that “Honduran Flu”, which the CDC has been unable to determine the origin of! A great horrific plague would surely be the “fundamental transformation” of America! GO OBAMA! 9• Benghazi . . . is only one Obama Administration scandal! According to Keith Koffler, Obama has two dozen scandals as of August 2014. And he didnt even count NSA spying! (Ill list them at the end.) Not to mention race-baiting the Cambridge Cop issue, the Martin-Zimmerman issue and now the Brown-Wilson issue, including burning Ferguson, MO.. And youre gonnaq worry me about WHAT? Watergate!!!! Iran-Contra!!! “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US”!!! And we already established that Barack Obama lost the Iraq War for America. 10• Barack Obama has been the worst president ever because unemployment . . . has averaged 8.3% for his 70 months in office, which is the worst record of any president since 1948. Ronald reagan averaged 7.5% for his 96 months in office and George W. Bush averaged 5.3% for his 96 months in office, which is below the 1948 to 2014 long run average of 5.8%. Obama is also the first president since Reagan to preside over a declining employment participation rate! People are so desperately unemployed that they are abandoning the employment altogether. And then the dumbass Democrats are complaining about the minimum wage! The minimum wage is NOT the problem! JOBS are the problem! (Even Senator Chuckie Schmuckie Schumar (D-NY) has finally figured that out!) 11• Fox News is number one in ratings because they .. have the most entertaining television shows. They are watched by Conservatives, Independents & Liberals. All agree that it has the most accurate and reliable news. Lefties hate FoxNews because (1) Lefties are haters and (2) Lefties hate success and (3) Lefties must admit the MSNBC SUCKS! And (4) CNN SUCKS even WORSE! I get so totally bored with ignorant Leftie crap heads babbling hatefully about FoxNews. Or that ignorant bigoted shit about “You get all your information of FauxNoise!” (Ho, ho, ho that is so funny! And I know you are too stupid to make it up yourself because you just prove what a complete bigoted asshole you are.) And then we get that babbling about how Lefties are great independent thinkers...who prove over and over again that they wouldnt recognize an independent thought if the tripped over it while txting and walking!!!!! I looked at the ratings about a year ago and FoxNews was like the #2 cable channel. MSNBC was maybe #34 and CNN was maybe #36. I havent looked at the ratings recently, because I dont really care, because I DONT HAVE CABLE OR A WORKING TV! So I dont get any information from FoxNews TV. NONE! Zero! During the day I listen to a variety of radio shows: WOR Morning Show, Mark Simone (WOR), then I prefer Curtis & Kuby (WABC.) Late afternoon I prefer Mike Medved. Then there is really nothing on but Mark Levin. Sometimes I listen to NPR fore the entertainment shows. These days I am so distressed with the news I plug my MP3 player into my car and play music. (I like Steeleye Span and Bob Marley. How about you?) 12• “I love everything the Founding Fathers stood for,” STOP: You do have to respect that these men set up a new form of government in 1776 and has lasted 238 years. I was once told that the USA is the oldest, continously in operation republic in the world. Someone else advised me that there are two small European city republics that are older. France has been through several republics, a couple monarchies, and empire and an occupied Vichy government during the same period of time. 13• “I’m a firm believer that we’re represented by a government of the People, [. . .] We the People would be underrepresented.” STOP! Ive talked about this too. Yes, we are “underrepresented.” In 1910 we had a population of about 90 million people and the representatives in the House of Representatives was fixed at 435 and remains so today, even though we have a population of about 316 million. If we had a similar proportion of representatives to population today, we would have more like 1527 representatives in the House. About 1 for every 206,000 people, instead of 1 for every 726,000 people. How are “We the People” to be represented if we dont have enough representatives? BTW: Gerrymandering would be a much smaller problem, since House districts would be about 1/3rd their current size. Also it would be much harder for billionaires, like George Soros, to buy congress! (At least it would cost him a lot more.) This was a Progressive Era arrangement (1910) that can be changed by a simple majority vote in Congress. AND it would impact Presidential Elections since it would increase the numbers of Electors in the Electoral College. (Number of House Reps + Number of Senators.) BINGO! Weve improved “democracy” in our representative democratic republic. 14• “The recent ass-whooping Republicans gave the Democrats confirms the country has shifted to the right.” STOP! (1) see 13, above. (2) It proves the electorate are super annoyed with the lying scumbag Democrats. And most especially our lying scumbag Failure in Chief. 15• All those allegations that the GOP and the Tea Party curries favor with racists and bigots are just lies made up by [. . .] lying scumbag Progressives who have nothing worthwhile to run for election on, except vilifying Republicans. Howd that workout for ya in November? But of course you have to blame everyone and everything else. It couldnt be because you are total failures? No! No! Never the truth! ORIGINAL: by Bruce Lindner (a Progressive asshole.) Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting by Keith Koffler on August 1, 2013, 9:25 am whitehousedossier/2013/08/01/obama-dozen-scandals-counting/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:31:20 +0000

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