Response to Letter to the Editor in the Sept. 2 edition of the - TopicsExpress


Response to Letter to the Editor in the Sept. 2 edition of the Camrose Booster -- issuu/camrosebooster/docs/20140902_booster/1 John Girvan writes an interesting letter to the editor in this weeks Camrose Booster about the Alberta Party. In so doing, he has this to say about the Wildrose Party: Who in good conscience can I support? The Wildrose Party -- nope, to extreme for me and who knows what they stand for? We only hear what they dont and I dont like attack ads. They may work on some folks, I tune out and change channels. John, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gordon Hatch and I live in Camrose. Im a lawyer, having recently opened a criminal law office in downtown Camrose, and spent 9 years previously as a Crown Prosecutor with Alberta Justice. I attended Augustana from 1996-2000 and am a proud supporter of our community. I also happen to be the local Wildrose Party candidate in the upcoming election. You see, the Wildrose Party has been successfully branded as extreme but theres little merit to such a contention. Unfortunately, most if not all of the ammunition for that particular slight arose in the last election campaign with two candidates making unfortunate remarks about their own views which were, indeed, extreme. I instead focus on the Partys record in the Legislature. When the PCs created legislation to remove the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees right to collective bargaining (Bills 45 & 46), essentially attempting to undue years of labour rights fought for by hard-working Albertans, Kerry Towle (MLA for Innisfail -Sylvan Lake) rose in the Legislature and had this to say: What theyre doing right now is creating a situation where, when the union decided that they couldnt negotiate anymore with the government and wanted arbitration, the government didnt want that, so they needed to bring forward a bill to kill that. What theyve done with these two bills put together, especially Bill 45 and even worse with Bill 46, is essentially take away any right to free speech. ( This is but one of many examples where the Wildrose Party fought hard (and won in this case) to protect the rights of everyday Albertans. So, while I applaud your decision to become politically active and join the Alberta Party, please be truly informed on what the other parties -- like the Wildrose -- stand for. Weve released six policy statements so far; I encourage you to check out to find out more about our Party.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:16:25 +0000

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