Responses from other Churches toconversation with Lutheran - TopicsExpress


Responses from other Churches toconversation with Lutheran Miniater, folks. Church 1 Response: Well take a look at the points Dimitri. Thanks. God Bless. Response:Thanks very much. Blessings to you. Church 2 Response: You have much more patience than I do Dimitri, I cannot talk to people like cannot fix stupid. Response: I will keep trying with them till the ark is full and Jesus returns. Keep knocking on the Judges door. He may open for a few more. Church 3. Dimitri, I am not qualified to speak to this as I am just a volunteer representing the Online Host team. I would suggest you speak to a Bible scholar about your questions regarding what you are trying to seek. Do you have a local pastor that you can talk to? Thank you for stopping by here. Janelle, volunteer LCTV Online Community Manager Response: Thanks for your input. Ill work more closely with my Pastor. Ill send also the following link as it relates to Rav 18:7 and the ecumenical movement of the current Jesuit Pope. Please bring that ecclesiastical conference shown to the attention if your Pastor. In these troubled times its good to be aware of what the ecumenical movement is doing. In the following clip you will see a Catholic/Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer claiming the Spirit of Elijah and addressing Pentecostal Evangelical Ministers. Then the Pope addressing the same conference of Pentecostals. Then Pastor Kenneth Copeland speaks in tongues and addresses and blesses the Pope on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Pentecostals. youtube/watch?v=b5TwrG8B3ME&sns=em This next one is Pastor Doug Bachelor commenting on Prophesy fulfilled. Also please consider Rev18:4-8 Pope/Lutheran- Methodist declaration and Pentecostal Alliance. Historical and monumental end time event. youtube/watch?v=IsF2q-8ez08&sns=em
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:20:17 +0000

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