Responsibility is the key, not rights. To assume you are due - TopicsExpress


Responsibility is the key, not rights. To assume you are due something, simply because you live, is complacency, sloth, laziness. To be treated with respect and dignity, shouldnt you treat others that way? If you state you are owed something, then ask yourself … honestly … “What did I do to earn that?” If you look at someone and see flaws in them and you think to yourself, “I am better than that person.” REALLY? What made you “better”? Was it that you worked harder? Was it that you gave more money to charity? Was it that you voted and they didn’t? Is it because you have been fortunate to have a life of money, a good marriage, or however it is you define yourself? And to determine who needs assistance and who doesn’t, based on appearances or on impressions, can lead you to think that way. That you begin to think that someone really doesn’t need to inconvenience my life because I think they don’t really need that. “They need to do what I do.” “They need to work.” “They need to just love.” “They need to just make their mark in this world.” Has it occurred to you that maybe they are lacking in an area and need some motivation, some assistance in a trying time, or just a word of encouragement? Don’t misread my words, I am not saying that there aren’t some people that, no matter how hard you try, they cannot move to take responsibility for their actions, their thoughts and their life. It just may not be you they need to tell them that. But I say you know someone else who might be able to help. You know a way that you can assist. There is the responsibility I speak of! To leave someone destitute, to not care or hurt when someone is in trouble is where we stumble. We tend to state things like “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t have any money.” “I do enough already.” It is not the ones who move around and help so many others that I am talking about … I am talking about myself. I couldnt stop playing video games enough to go help a friend who called? Why did I think about myself when someone asked to borrow $ 10 for lunch? Again, responsibility is the key, not rights. If you continue to “reason” your responsibility away, then you will begin to feel you are above what is needed to maintain your rights. It is not the government’s responsibility to give us rights. It is their responsibility to maintain the rights we have. It is our responsibility to ensure our children get what they need. That our spouse is nurtured and loved. That our neighbor is OK. That a coworker, who is going through difficult times, is given sympathy from our hearts. Our responsibility is to serve others when they are in need. Our responsibility is to ensure that receive what they did not earn, but in a way they see the love and care it was given to them so that they may see the encouragement. They can SEE the beautiful understanding of sacrifice. Learning to give out of just the sacrifice of love so that others may have is what rights are all about. It is placing yourself below the next person. I will state that again … “It is placing yourself below the next person.” For the rights come not from anyone or anything … it comes from servitude to others. It comes from the graces of others. It comes from mercy and love. Rights are never a given … never an absolute. The only rights that you have are that which you allowed someone to give you! So, in truth, rights, or the way we perceive rights, are a construct within your own mind. Your responsibility for rights is to understand that. They are not at all real, but have become something you think you deserve. In reality, we deserve nothing. Based on my merits … I know I don’t. A bit hard on myself? No … I did a lot and did “earn” a lot in value of the world, but so many times I could have gone further. I could have raised my own bar instead of wallowing in misery because I did not get what I thought I earned. Your rights as to what you “deserve” are set in your mind. Remove what you deserve and your heights are limitless!! I ask the same question … “What did I do to earn that?” - Responsibility is the key, not rights.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:39:37 +0000

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