Rest In Peace.......RPI.... The Republican Party of India was - TopicsExpress


Rest In Peace.......RPI.... The Republican Party of India was the Dream project of Babasaheb. After his Mahaparinirvan the Ambedkarites formed the RPI on 3rd October, 1957. The party which was suppose to unify the backward castes in a powerful entity, faced the trauma of ego fights among the leaders. Triggering the divisions in the party in 1958. The impact of that event was embossed on the minds of future leadership, resulting in the formation of more than 50 RPI factions till date. Limiting the concept of RPI within Neo Buddhists, lack of trust between leaders and karyakartas, Inflated egos of the leaders, discouraging the young leadership are few of the important reasons in the disintegration of the RPI. For all these years the leaders did not care for the cause of the depressed castes. Only for the selfish motives and shameless existence the leadership misused our respect for Babasaheb. Do we still want to act as a retard and neglect the misdoings of all RPI leadership? The RPI movement has been harming our Social, Economical and Political growth. Between every two elections we forget about the RPI parties. Only when elections are in sight we fragment our collective conscience and empower the Manuvadi forces. Which in return keep committing atrocities against our people. For how long should we sustain the Cancerous Tumor which is the RPI movement. It is time for us to do some self surgery of destroying the tumor. It will hurt for once but will enhance the Social-Economical and Political growth of downtrodden section of the society. So we Unitedly take Oath of Not to Vote any of the RPI factions in this Assembly election! Jai Bhim..... (ajit wakode).
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:28:27 +0000

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