Rest assured there still remains those who have not bowed the knee - TopicsExpress


Rest assured there still remains those who have not bowed the knee to baal. The Lord is raising up those who are a true and faithful witness, those who have overcome who are functioning in the heavenly realm ( Eph 2) to partake of our inheritance as a joint heir of Christ to rule and reign as the conqueror to do His will on the earth as in heaven. He is opening up the scriptures and we are rising up into the King - Priest anointing He describes in Rev 1:6 He is leading us by faith out of the wilderness of the flesh and into the green pastures of the Lord to live out of our spirit and to drink of the pure waters flowing from His throne ( Ez 47, Rev 22). The fruit of these over comers will be for the healing of the nations for all who will hear the spirit and the bride say "come". Jesus has taught us how to gain victory over the corruption that is in the world through lust, purged us from the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this life. The path is not new but as old as Calvary but few there be that find it. But to those who do find it will find the oneness of John 17 and the power to live above and not beneath. Not as the scribes but as those of a transformed life. This may be a bit much for you but I felt lead to present it. So take hope for we know the King of Kings is triumphant and the bride will come forth as a glorious church for we live by faith and not by the present view of the world. Yes the light will shine all the brighter in the darkness as we walk in humility and in heavens power to love the unlovely. The church has been in the wilderness for way to long, but now the Lord is showing us the way into our promised land of the full inheritance to live on the earth as more than a conqueror. Whatever can be shaken will be shaken until only that which cannot be shaken will remain. This starts with the church. Oh that the people of God will hear the message of the cross and summit to the chastening of the Lord so they might live in the newness of resurrection power. As the Sheep and goats get separated take heart and be full of hope for all scripture must be fulfilled. Weep for those who are bound in the deception of sin, but rejoice in the Lord for you are the redeemed. You have eternal life within you and you are the light of the world, the salt of the earth. You are His ambassador for this time so be faithful in all things. Enjoy life in God for the redeemed are free to enjoy all things. Not as the lost who are in chains of their master doing his biding. Being in the bondage of deception to do his will unwittingly. But we freely choose to serve our redeemer as the bond love servants. And oh His love is sweeter than honey, Keep yourself in the love of God.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:48:23 +0000

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