Rest assured there was no criminal act involved in yesterdays - TopicsExpress


Rest assured there was no criminal act involved in yesterdays incident. Had there been, we would not have said it was an accident, we would have posted pictures of the person involved and information so we could all be hunting him. Roscoe had a long history of getting into things, fences, trees, vines, ect.. We had released him many times and he had broken tines when we werent there in the past. This time he broke more than a tine, he broke our hearts. Kyle and I harbor a lot of guilt because he was our responsibility, he was like a child and in the end we were unable to protect him from himself. Realistically there may not have been anything we could have done but that does not stop us from saying, what if? What if wed have wrapped him in bubble wrap is the only what if? that seems like it would have done any good. But none of that will bring him back and so we look forward.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:57:10 +0000

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