Rest in The Lord! The Scripture: If you abide in Me, and My Words - TopicsExpress


Rest in The Lord! The Scripture: If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you. John 15:7 The Message: This Scripture is manipulated often and it is suggested that we should ask and receive, isn’t that what it says? Oh no. We must abide in Him – we forget those most important words. I confess I still sometimes throw things at God in my prayer time and just leave it with Him. Trusting He will take care of it. However, many times the answer requires me doing something – like praying continually and not just once, changing something in my life, confessing sin, forgiving others, stop judging, having patience and willingness to accept whatever God “shall be done” for me. Please take this Word, abide, in your heart today. Truly spend time with Him. When I think of abiding, I think of worship, trusting, praising Him, thanking Him, loving Him, and resting in assurance of His love for me. I ask Him today to receive my love and I receive His back. Are you doing that today? God bless. The Prayer: Heavenly Father, I love Your words that provide power in my life to overcome todays storm. Teach me the true meaning of resting (abiding) in You. Show me the work that is required while I am resting in You. I know that if I invite some to my house for dinner (while I am waiting for them) I need to prepare for the arrival. Help me to prepare for the arrival of Your answer in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 15:00:34 +0000

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