Results: Fusion Wrestling 3-8-2014 King & Queen Elementary - TopicsExpress


Results: Fusion Wrestling 3-8-2014 King & Queen Elementary School Da Gift d. The Underground Jael Rose with the Dime Drop off the Top Rope The Pain Train Preston Quinn and Diamond Victor Griff signed the contract for the Continental Title Match at Shanghai Showdown on April 5th. Victor Griff revealed that he and the Mempho Mofo had made an agreement. The Mofo would do everything he could to wear down and injure Preston Quinn prior to Shanghai Showdown and when Victor Griff wins The Continental Title at Shanghai Showdown, the Mofo will get the first title shot. Griff went on to tell Preston Quinn that in the past his focus has been wrong. Griff has always been focused on hurting PQ, on injuring him on choking him out, but now he is focused on one thing and one thing only, winning the Continental Championship. The margin of victory in their matches has always been razor thin and both PQ and Griff know that Griff doesnt need The Mempho to injure PQ or hurt PQ, he just needs him to wear down PQ just the slightest bit. If he can do that then thats all Griff will need because when both PQ and Griff are at their best either man can walk out on top, but if PQ isnt at his best then there is no chance Preston Quinn can beat Diamond Victor Griff. Alpha Title Match: The Soft Spoken Psychopath Pat Cusick d. The Walking Death Sabbath by disqualification. This battle between two of the biggest men in Fusion Wresting went back and forth. Finally, The Walking Death gained the advantage and set up to deliver a devastating chokeslam to Pat Cusick, but Cusick was able to counter and quickly trap Sheik Ali Akbars monster in the Long Kiss Goodnight Sleeperhold. Sheik Ali Akbar sensing that the Alpha Championship was slipping from his grasp as his monster began to slump to the canvas, jumped up on the apron. Cusick quickly released the hold and nailed the Sheik from Syria with a big right hand. Sabbath recovered and again grabbed Cusick for a chokeslam. He hoisted Cusick high into the air, but Cusick was able to slip free and again apply the Long Kiss Goodnight to the Walking Death. Sabbath slowly started to crumple to the mat and just when it looked like there would be a new Alpha Champions, Outlaw Ink hit the ring and attacked Pat Cusick to cause a disqualification. The Tag Team Champions put the boots to The Soft Spoken Psychopath as the Alpha Champion recovered. Soon Cusick found himself taking a beating from all three men. Shiek Ali Akbar pulled himself into the ring and directed his charge and Outlaw Ink to break Cusicks back just as they had Larry Horsleys. Outlaw Ink helped Sabbath hoist Cusick high in the air, but before he could bring The Psychopath down across his knee, Neil Sharkey slid in and pulled Cusick down to save him from certain injury. Now Cusick was safe from harm, but Neil Sharkey found himself surrounded by Sabbath, Sam Bass, Ryan Nuzzi and Sheik Ali Akbar. Ali Akbar shoved Neil into Sabbath who grabbed Neil in the position for a side slam. He raised Neil as high as he could and brought him down across his knee with a sickening CRACK! Neil screamed in pain and rolled around on the mat. Suddenly, half the locker room ran to the ring and Outlaw Ink, Sheik and Sabbath scurried away. It was obvious to everyone in attendance that Neil was hurt and hurt badly. Several wrestlers, referees and security personnel helped Neil from the ring and carried to the locker room area where he was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Number One Jefferson Early d. Sterling Williams by pinfall with the Straight Shot Superkick Williams more than gave Jefferson Early everything he could handle in this fast paced contest. After nearly 15 minutes of back and forth action, Early stooped to poking Williams in the eye behind the referees back and was able to hit the blinded Sterling Williams with the Straight Shot Superkick for the pinfall. After the match, Early grabbed the microphone and said that hes made it his mission to take out the wrestlers in Fusion that he couldnt stand. Guys like Zak Hilton, Aden Chambers and the one he is most proud of Da Curse. Now hes set his sights on taking out Da Gift, but hes too cowardly to face Number One so for the rest of the night Sterling Williams will stand in for Da Gift and Jeff was going to end his career. Early hit a second Straight Shot Superkick on Williams then slid out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair. He placed the chair over Williams head and set up for another Superkick, but before he could deliver Da Gift hit the ring. He double legged Early and began to rain down punches. Early crawled his way out from under Gift and scurried out of the ring. Gift grabbed the microphone and said that he had warned Early about talking about his family and next week in Gloucester he was going to teach him a lesson. Tag Team Title Match Outlaw Ink d. Brandon Day by disqualification Before the match began, Brandon Day announced that he was invoking his rematch clause, but he wasnt going to take a partner. After Aden Chambers retired, he decided to give someone a chance, to give someone an opportunity and that turned out to be a mistake. Right now everyone in Fusion seems like there embroiled in something so hes going to go it alone and challenge Outlaw Ink. For awhile it seemed as thought Day had made a good choice and would improbably be able to win the Tag Team Championship all on his own, but eventually the numbers game caught up with him and the champions were able to take advantage. Day took a horrible beating for several minutes. He tried to fight back as best he could, but he couldnt overcome the odds. Just when it looked like the champions would get the victory, Pat Cusick ran down to the ring and climbed into Days corner and looked for a tag. The referee, Dustin Pruitt, told Pat to get down because he was not a part of the match, but Pat refused. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Brandon Day was able to trap Ryan Nuzzi in a pinning combination. The referee turned to make the count, but Sam Bass broke up the pinfall. Outlaw Ink attempted to double team Day, but Day slipped away from them and made the tag to Cusick. The referee waved off the tag, but Cusick would have none of it. He bounced Outlaw Ink around the ring as Dustin Pruitt called for the bell. Brandon Day slid back into the ring. He trapped Nuzzi in the cutthroat clutch as Cusick hooked the Long Kiss Goodnight on Sam Bass. The champions quickly tapped out to the cheers of the crowd. Cusick and Day grabbed the title belts as Outlaw Ink slid out of the ring. Ring Announcer Johnathan Sharpe came down to the ring and announced that he was informed by the referee that since Pat Cusick was not officially part of the match Brandon Day had been disqualified and Outlaw Ink was still the tag team champions, however, he has been informed by the board of directors that on April 5th on Shanghai Showdown Outlaw Ink will defend the Tag Team Championship against the team of Brandon Day and Pat Cusick. The Old School Empire d. Diamond Victor Griff & The Mempho Mofo via pinfall after The Pain Train Preston Quinn pinned The Mempho Mofo after The Derailer. This contest had a completely different feel to it than any other contest on the card. It was readily apparently that one team was unconcerned with winning the match and was more concerned with injuring their opponents. The Old School Empire controlled the early part of the contest until Mike Booth missed a charge in the corner and struck the post with his shoulders. The Mofo and Griff were like sharks in the water and quickly targeted Booth shoulder and worked it over for nearly 20 minutes. Booth was able to get a few momentary advantages, but was not able to make a tag until after he and Griff both struck each other with clotheslines. Preston Quinn took the tag and came in bursting with energy. He bouced both of his opponents around the ring and eventually trapped the Mofo in the Cobra Clutch. Griff broke up the move then hit a flying Diamond Cutter on Quinn, but as soon as Griff turned around Booth speared Griff through the ropes to the outside. In the ring, PQ and The Mofo slowly made their way to their feet where the Mofo hit a thunderous Mafia Kick to PQs head. PQ collapsed to the mat, but instead of going for a cover the Mofo locked on The Memphis Vice Leglock. PQ screamed in pain as The Mofo cranked on the hold. PQ barely was able to drag himself to the ropes to break the hold. The Mofo dragged PQ back to the center of the ring and began to reapply The Memphis Vice, but PQ was able to kick The Mofo off. The Mofo collided with the buckle and when he turned around The Pain Train attempted to take his head off with The Derailer, but The Mofo was able to duck under the strike. He hooked PQ for the Zak to the Future, but PQ spun the Mofo out and nearly decapitated him with The Derailer for the pin. Only moments after the three count was scored, Griff hit the ring and as soon as PQ turned around Griff hit The Uranage and locked on the Diamondback Deathlock. Mike Booth attempted to make the save, but was Memphis Mafia Kicked in the head and knocked to the outside. Griff continued to sink The Diamondback Deathlock in deeper and deeper and Mofo applied the Figure Four Leglock. The referees and security tried to break the holds, but were unable to. Finally, Ring Announcer Johnathan Sharpe came to ringside and shouted over the PA that he has been informed by Spencer Chestnutt that if Griff and The Mofo did not release the hold that they both would be suspended. Griff and Mofo reluctantly let go of the holds. The shook hands and confirmed their arrangement before the Mofo left the ring. Griff grabbed the Continental Title and a microphone. He stood over the fallen Continental Champion and told the fans to get used to seeing this image because on April 5th at Shanghai Showdown theyd be seeing it again. Fusion Wrestling returns to action on March 15h for The Throwdown Before Showdown at The Gloucester Moose Lodge in Gloucester, VA featuring the Texas Death Match between The Mempho Mofo and The Pain Train Preston Quinn; Diamond Victor Griff vs. Big Time Mike Booth; Number One Jefferson Early vs. Da Gift; The Walking Death Sabbath vs. Sterling Williams and The Underground Jael Rose vs. Kevin Quill. And on April 5th the Biggest Wrestling Event of the Year in the State of Virginia, SHANGHAI SHOWDOWN at King and Queen Elementary School featuring The Pain Train Preston Quinn vs. Diamond Victor Griff for the Continental Title; The Walking Death Sabbath vs. The War Horse Larry Horsley for the Alpha Title; Outlaw Ink vs. Pat Cusick & Brandon Day for the Tag Team Titles and much much more!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 09:11:37 +0000

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