Results are all still pending and a decision for how to proceed - TopicsExpress


Results are all still pending and a decision for how to proceed will likely be pushed to next week. What that means, however, is that Angel is STABLE enough to be able to wait a few days and review all information and make a less rushed and more informed decision with our team. While having his first quiet day in a while Angel got up to a chair for more than an hour with the help of physical therapy. It is his first time bearing weight on his legs in more than a week. He was really sleepy today but did great being in a chair. He took a very long nap and then his ICU nurse came up with the idea for a wheelchair ride. Let me tell you... going for a wheelchair ride with a triple lumen IJ central line hooked up to a million infusions and drips, his own broviac central line infusing things, dialysis catheters, foley catheter and oxygen is quite the sight. And, sweet boy could hardly hold his head up straight he is still so weak. His first stop was to see his babykins a few doors away. They were adorable smiling at one another after not having seen each other for a few weeks. They have walked a very special road together in the ICU. She is doing really well and wont be in ICU much longer. Then he went to his Pediatric floor to say hello to everyone. Although its amazing he is able to be taking a wheelchair ride, we wondered if it would be hard on them to see Angel so ill. In fact, we could not even remember the last time Angel rode in a wheelchair... He looks very weak, tired and sick. But he has a sparkle in his eye and willingness! They headed back towards ICU and Angel said NOT YET! He ended up being approved to take a quick swing outside before heading back to his room. Tomorrow we will likely receive all the results from tests yesterday. I think all of us will marinate on the possibilities through the weekend and make some decisions by Monday. In the meantime, Angel is working hard at getting over the very critical time he just faced. His little body is still very ill. He is not even close to better and still requires ICU level care. But he is more stable than he has been in many weeks with very little pain and a LOT of contentment.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 06:21:34 +0000

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