Retarded, disabled and handicapped. What is the historical - TopicsExpress


Retarded, disabled and handicapped. What is the historical context of this topic in regards to Islam. In the time of Jayalliyah, the relatives of those who had special needs were embarrassed such to an extend where they would literally leave/ abandoned them. What we need to understand in Allah is Al-Latif and loves everyone – muslim or not muslim regardless. With that being said we as muslim ought to believe that Allah has granted every single one our own trials in all fairness. Now let’s define Retarded -Disabled – handicapped : Firstly this is according to the sunnah and Qu’ran politically incorrect as it doesn’t lead to proper understanding of what Islam teaches. As verily, the one who is handicapped etc ... is the one that possesses limbs and mind to obey and worship Allah swt but by his/her will refuses to. We therefore ought to refer to them as persons with special needs. They have the right to be served and to make things accessible to them and easy upon them, we also cannot discriminate. #imjustsaying #wordingisimportant
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:54:02 +0000

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