Retired Special Forces Master Sergeant Stan Goff explains what - TopicsExpress


Retired Special Forces Master Sergeant Stan Goff explains what military life really entails. Advice for those considering joining the military You know I know they make it attractive.Their organization doesnt exist to give you money for school. Their organization exists to assert the political will of the United States government against other people by force of arms. And what they do is not like it is portrayed in the movies. Theyre not sending you out there to be a hero. Theyre sending you out there to be a bully. Theyre not sending you out there to be a hero. Its not what its really about. Its never about that. Its never about that. The fact that some people fight back is also part of the equation... But its not.. huh. The Iraqis never presented any threat to this country. And if we leave. Those Iraqis dont present any threat to this country after we leave. Why put yourself to go over there and be forced by a circumstance not of your choosing to take the life of another human being whos a total stranger. Cause their not some evil human being like you see in films and all that stuff. Theyre people. They have mothers. They have fathers. They have sisters. They have brothers. They have children. Theres people that love them, just like theres people that love you. You know. And those people grieve when they loose them. Just like people grieve if they lose you. Thats not maybe as dramatic and exciting, you know, or clear-cut and easy to understand. As you know, the sort of simple binary world of good and evil you get painted for you. But thats not the real world is. And in the real world, again, you have to live with the consequences of your decisions for the rest of your life. I served in eight conflict areas. And you know, I raised my right hand eight, no I raised my hand five times during the course of one career and too an oath; that oath was to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. you know, I went to eight conflict areas I never a single person who was an enemy to the constitution of the United States constitution. Not one. No enemies of the constitution. I did spend a lot of time out there again and becoming a political instrument for transnational corporations and to preserve American military/political supremacy around the world, but thats not in the oath. Thats not in the oath. There were nobody threatening the constitution in Vietnam. Theres nobody threatening the constitution in Grenada, Guatemala, El Salvador, Columbia, Peru, Somalia, Haiti... I went to all those places. I never met anybody who were a threat to the constitution or the principles of the constitution for that matter. I just met people. And they put me in circumstances where I had to do a lot of things that I didnt have in my head right now. Stan Goff wiki:
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 07:47:59 +0000

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