Retirement blues and ‘the importance of doing - TopicsExpress


Retirement blues and ‘the importance of doing everything’! 1. What is of vital importance is that individuals at all levels must think of adding value to their life and that of others around, let me refrain from using big terms like ‘giving back to the society’ etc. 2. People who have been in position of authority/ holding important port folios/handled important issues and difficult situations would have undoubtedly a very important aspect of knowledge gained through those field experiences. 3. Unfortunately these cannot be found in Google search. 4. Nowadays there are many avenues like websites, blogs, FB groups etc. So, these retired souls, if they feel like or want to, can share their experiences or give their views [even unsolicited ones] using any or all of those avenues. Otherwise this space is used by opinion wielding/judge all experts with half baked knowledge and full blown ignorance parading as TV anchors and news reporters both in print and audio-visual media. 5. For example a particular ex- bureaucrat who has worked in a particular state ministry/department, say irrigation department of Tamilnadu can start a blog, website or FB group with the name Irrigation in TN/Water problems in TN etc and write all his experiences including all that he wished to do but did not or could not because of many impediments as that will set the ball rolling. 6. In addition, sharing such experience -based knowledge relevant to the field can even get a well paying part time consultancy job with private corporate houses or at least make the news reporters scurrying to contact you when there is either crisis or corruption in irrigation department or water crisis. 7. Small tip, make sure that the information you share initially in such avenues must lure others’ interests towards you. So it must be presented like a lady in a swimming suit what it reveals may be interesting but what it conceals must be vital so that people flock to you for advice or further clarification. 8. Otherwise if you do not want a price tag to sharing all your experiences and expertise [I doubt people who have served the government in any capacity would belong to such extinct species] then you may share everything including additional ideas that would have dawned to you after you have retired. 9. Also understand and make it a point to change gears to nurture family relationships with investing more time, leisure, co-operation, participation etc with all the rest with whom you would have missed spending enough time, especially your spouse and children as soon as you can and as much as you can, before either you or your spouse become too weak to even move around and your children become too busy to even say hi dad or hi mom even on Whatsup or skype. 10. Of course, there is nothing like relaxing and enjoying reading, spending time with your children or grand children and learning a lot in many fields of life etc. 11. Caring and sharing should dominate your life which must have been too preoccupied with career compulsions earlier. 12. Pursue your hobbies and abilities with greater intensity, involvement and increased investment of your time and energy. 13. Take greater care about your body and mind and if you believe, your soul too. 14. Most importantly shed all inhibitions, complexes, pursue passions ,use compassion and never bother about the chronology of life , instead enjoy and live every moment of life. 15. The bio-chemical frame in which our life moves around physically is bound to decay or die one day. So stop reading obituaries, instead try to recollect the good things, thoughts and times that those who are no more have provided to you or to humanity.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:17:50 +0000

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