Retirement is supposed to be a time to relax, have fun, travel, - TopicsExpress


Retirement is supposed to be a time to relax, have fun, travel, and enjoy the fruits of ones labor. I always looked forward to it and insured I would have an adequate retirement income by retiring from the military and a civilian power plant. What I was not prepared for was the plundering of my golden years by the liberal socialists! It is hard to relax when you see a large group of morons dead set on destroying the Nation I fought for, by turning it into a cross between Cuba and Greece. It is as though I am asleep and in the middle of horrendous nightmare. Who could have ever imagined that this Nation would sit back and watch individual freedoms and rights be taken in the name of social justice? Would these far left extremist really have been able to gain and maintain power if the public were aware of what fundamental transition really was? Can there really be that many greedy Americans willing to trash Capitalism and the Constitution in order to provide more free stuff. How can any Nation possibly want to go down the same socialist experiment that destroyed Europe? Instead of enjoying the fruits of my labor I watch as the government removes the fruits and passes them on to those happy to rely on Uncle Sugar to provide for them. What irritates me the most is witnessing all the things that this Nation has fought to prevent the spread of, being forced down our throats with slogans like hope and change, social justice, and fairness. Despite witnessing the liberals complete destruction of Detroit, my fellow Americans refuse to take action while they proceed to do the same to the entire Nation. Who would have ever thought that those believing in limited government, more individual freedoms, and the Constitution would be labeled as extremist? The situation is dire my friends and it goes far beyond a wrench being thrown into my golden years. We are no longer on a slippery slope. The United States is now on a 90 degree iceberg and the outcome of the next 2 elections will make or break us. Every single American jackass that condones what has transpired over the past 6 years must be removed from power. This includes politicians, educators, and the media. If they really believe that America is unfair and requires fundamental transformation then they should simply move to Cuba or Greece and leave the greatest Nation on earth alone! We are a Constitutional Republic, not a tyrannical second rate socialistic nanny state.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 17:07:29 +0000

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