Returning from the school zoo field trip I took the time to - TopicsExpress


Returning from the school zoo field trip I took the time to analyze the kids I monitored, but first let me say I was awesome and handled those kids like a pro. Those kids are something else and have the attention span of a husband listening to his wife talk about her day (hahahaha I dont mean that but it was funny). Now here I go: Gabriel: After being with his classmates I have determined as hard as I am on him, he is better behaved that some of the kids he hangs with. He made me proud today how he carried himself. He wasnt perfect but he was ok. Joseph: this kid thinks everything is boring and will probably be a tech head. He was very fascinated with my phone and watch. He would look aimless at times and I would ask him if he was okay and he would tell me Im bored with this already. I love this kids honesty and ability to speak his mind. Kayson: this kid is so animated and knows his basketball. I was very impressed with how much this kid loved the game. He tried testing my knowledge so I had to school him up a bit. He is so competitive. This kid challenged me in everything, even arm wrestling. He tried wrestling me 15 times just for one victory. At one point all his male classmates ganged up on me to pull my arm down. It was definitely a tug of war, however I managed to beat them all and tossed the ones that held on too the top of the table. After that Kayson was still talking shit. This little Indian kid talking that way really messed with me. I thought I was in a Seth Rogan movie! Mateo: defiant, manipulative, and sneaky are words I would use for him. He has something going on at home. He really isolated himself from the group and it concerned me. Jack: Damn I didnt realize how crazy this kid was. He is bad a hell!! I wanted to choke his little ass. If he was my son I would have kicked his ass. Now in all fairness I can tell the parents might not look after him so well, but I wont get into that. He was very negative and felt like no one liked him. His parents didnt send him on the trip with lunch, so my Gman gave him his extra lunchable. Which I must say was awesome of the Gman! Later when it was lunch time, he told the teacher he was without food and just had money to buy food. I was kinda upset because he played my Gman for his extra food when he had money to eat. He wouldnt stop putting himself down even on the bus. Saying things like no one wants to sit with me. To be radical, this might be one I would pick for most likely to go to jail after high school. He is showing some rather obvious warning signs. He was always trying to get the other kids to fight him. It was playful but excessive. This kid was kicking fences and had no respect for authority. Anyway thats my trip. So glad its over. Next time Im bringing pepper spray muhahahahahahahahahahaha
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 18:08:20 +0000

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