Returning to the Natural Rule of Common Law Millions of people - TopicsExpress


Returning to the Natural Rule of Common Law Millions of people formerly under these deposed regimes now have a rare historic chance to reinvent themselves, their governments and societies, and their religions – and to reclaim their world in the process. Uniting all of these peoples is the unalienable fact of their common humanity, running like bedrock beneath all of their differences of class, creed, faith, or culture. That commonality arises from nature and is expressed in the basic precept of human life that has ensured our survival as a species: namely, that no law or regime shall cause harm to others. This Natural Law of Peace and Equality is the basis of the Common Law that has traditionally been the peoples’ sole bulwark of liberty against tyrants, kings and popes, and their self-serving systems of so-called civil, admiralty or canon law. The Common Law recognizes that, as in nature, all things are given freely and equally to all people, whether it is life, the law, and the earth itself. No-one has any natural authority to rule over another or to claim more for himself than his neighbor, since all things by nature are placed in common for the benefit of all. Similarly, as below, so above: creation and truth are bestowed equally upon all people, and are not the private possessions of a religious priestly caste that interpret and mediate sacredness for others or dispense salvation for a price. The realm of eternity, or the kingdom of heaven, is indeed within every man and women. This Natural Law means that any just and lawful government or religious body arises on the basis of self-governing, conscious men and women gathered as equals. Justice and equity cannot exist among the enslaved and the dependent. And it is to such a new disposition and arrangement that the people formerly under the Crown and the Vatican must now look. The citizens of these nations and churches must begin to conduct and police themselves peacefully and equitably, under laws created and enforced by them. Devoid of any existing lawful or legitimate authority, people in the pews and in their own neighbourhoods must become that authority for themselves and their children. Our Court is authorizing a Reclamation movement to facilitate this peaceful revolution. We are working with many others to establish local bodies to arrange National Congresses that will draft a new Constitution and Charter of Right for the people of these former church and state regimes, in order to establish new democratic Republics where once dwelled tyranny and episcopal absolutism. The basis of such a new Constitution will be its grounding in Natural law and the recognition that the land and its resources and wealth are under the common ownership of the people as a whole, and must be held in trust for all, to ensure the common welfare as well as the health and sanctity of the earth itself, and all its creatures. Such a new Constitution will include legal guidelines to ensure that any church body henceforth serves the people and not itself or foreign powers, by reconstituting itself as a purely congregational body, run by its members and not a corporate bureaucracy or episcopal hierarchy. This democratic faith will be ensured legally by a public oath whereby all clergy are elected by and answerable to their congregations and sworn as licensed public servants; and through the nationalizing of all church property and wealth. Legal Instrument and Declaration of Sovereignty Our Court has issued this Proclamation in order to make clear to the world that the former “subjects” of the Crown of England and the Vatican/Church of Rome are now and forever free citizens of new Republics that are coming into being. This Proclamation is being issued today in every nation and church formerly under the authority of these criminal regimes. It constitutes a Proclamation of Purpose as well as a Legal Instrument whereby the signed bearer declares freely and will uphold in honor his and her status as a freeborn man or woman, subject to none of the former laws or governments, and living only under the authority of a democratically constituted Republic and a congregational-based religion. This fact is so proclaimed and lawfully ratified by the Bearer of this Proclamation. _____________________________________________ Signature of Citizen and Date Issued on this Fourth Day of August in the year 2013 in the City of Brussels in Belgium. With the sanction and oversight of The International Common Law Court of Justice Posted in Church of Rome, Crown of England, Genocide, Genocide in Canada, Legal Background, Prime Minister Harper, queen Elizabeth, United Church of Canada, Vatican | Tagged Church of Rome, Crown of England, Kevin Annett, Prime Minister Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, Rev. Kevin Annett, Roman
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 03:49:17 +0000

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