Rev. Dr. Steve Wallings Spiritual Exploration Today: Wednesday, - TopicsExpress


Rev. Dr. Steve Wallings Spiritual Exploration Today: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 It is an axiom of psychology that Emotions deepen by repetition. If a person allows a state of feeling to thoroughly take possession of him, he will find it easier to yield to the same emotion the second time, and so on, until the particular emotion or feeling becomes second nature to him. If an undesirable emotion shows itself inclined to take up a permanent abode with you, you had better start to work to get rid of it, or at least to master it. And the best time to do this is at the start; for each repetition renders the habit more firmly entrenched, and the task of dislodging it more difficult. ~William Atkinson Rev. Dr. Steve Wallings Insight into the above quote: We know that there are positive habits that promote our better good and there are destructive, negative habits that can bring to us harm. Today’s thought has powerful repercussions when we realize the truth of it. If there is a trend of ‘feeling’ that seems to be predominate in our daily experience we more-than-likely are in a state of habitually manifesting that feeling. Now if that feeling supports us in a positive way we thrive. Should our habitual feeling be of a negative nature we will experience a negative demonstration. We, however, were created with and have available to us a powerful tool in our ability to self realize and self recognize and then to make choice based on that realization. Take time today and do a little personal evaluation. Am I generally a positive feeling person, or is my experience of a different nature. Make a choice today to empower yourself by being in control of any habitual feeling that is not self supportive. Affirmation For Today: I am thankful and grateful for the good in my life today. I feel better today in every way. (
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:38:22 +0000

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