Revealing Jesus to Others Video: thegist.weebly Colossians 3:3 - TopicsExpress


Revealing Jesus to Others Video: thegist.weebly Colossians 3:3 ……. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. To truly reveal Jesus to those around us we need to get ourselves out of the way. In fact, to fully reveal Christ in us, we need to die to ourselves so that nothing of us mars His fullness in us. Of course, it goes without saying, that when we were converted and became Christians we died to our old selves and were born again as believers in Christ Jesus. That should be the reality for every Christian convert. However, keeping the old life dead is an entirely different matter! All too often our old character wants to resurrect itself and we have, sometimes, a daily struggle to keep the old man down. Only by absolute surrender to the lordship of Jesus and by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us is it possible to be a victorious Christian. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Jesus. Under His anointing people will see Christ in us but if we allow our flesh; our carnal nature, to assert itself, not only will we eclipse Jesus but people will use our shortcomings to criticise Christianity. It is therefore essential that, as ambassadors for Jesus Christ and our Christian faith, we put our old man to rest – permanently. In this way we will reveal Christ in us and He will be glorified. Lord Jesus, I choose to die so that you may live through me. Amen Video:
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:49:46 +0000

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