Revelation Lesson 2 Pg. 2 In this lesson John is still - TopicsExpress


Revelation Lesson 2 Pg. 2 In this lesson John is still explaining what he saw in heaven. Starting with Ch. 4:4 He starts with Gods private council they were there to apply his orders and to issue and execute what he said had to be done. Some have thought that these 24 elders are the 12 sons of Jacob and the 12 apostles. Be that as it may. We really don’t know but we do know there are thousands upon thousands of angels doing things for God. Four living creatures. The things said about these creatures are attributes of angels and the clue to their meaning is in Ezekiel 10:14, 20, 21. There are two groups of angels before God to carry out his will. Seraphim - carry out Gods orders of mercy. Example. Isa.6:6 - Seraphim took a coal from the altar, touched his lips and said your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for. Cherubim - they bring Gods judgment. Example. It was the cherubim who were told to keep Adam and Eve out of the garden. Gen.3:24. The pictures of them are meant to convey to us their character. 1. They have the intelligence of a man. 2. The strength of a lion, 3. The service of an ox. 4. The swiftness of an eagle. Then comes the chorus. Theres going to be a lot of music in heaven. The creatures sing about what God does. These are the two great themes of praise about God. We must praise him for what he is and for what he does. What we are saying when we are worshipping is how much God is worth. There is no action in chapter 4. It is a permanent scene with no time reference. But With chapter 5, the action begins. There is a scroll in the hand of God. Its Gods sealed orders for the universe. Orders to destroy a civilization that is godless. At this point, no human being on earth knew how history would finally conclude. Would it end with a big bang or a whimper. Whos the winner - good or evil? Action begins with a search for someone in either heaven or earth who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll. Until this happens, the world must continue in its present state. There must be a decisive termination of the kingdom of this world if the kingdom of God is to be universally established on the earth. This is why John wept when no one was found worthy to set this in motion. Someone ask Why didn’t God, himself, not open it? A. Because the one to open it had to have been tempted as men have been tempted and to have conquered. B. -One of Gods principles of justice is this: No one will judge men unless they have been under the same pressures that those men have faced and come through victorious. C. Someone must be found righteous or evil would go on forever. Then one of the elders turns to him and says Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah has won the victory and is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals Now again I would hope you have your bibles open as I am giving you just a over all picture of what is happening. Read Ch 5 and the first six verses. John looks all around for a lion but he doesnt see one. One of the 4 creatures looks like a lion, but thats not the one. Looking everywhere he spots an animal he has not seen before, and it is a Lamb. This is the most amazing thing - Jesus is a Lion and a Lamb; he could take little children on his lap, but could whip the money changers out of the temple. He was the perfectly balanced lion and lamb. Facing sinners he was a lamb. Facing sin he was a lion, a perfect combination. Had 7 horns - strength. Had 7 eyes - discerning - he could look at a person and see right through them.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:12:25 +0000

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