Revelation chapter 17 goes back and fills in some of what has - TopicsExpress


Revelation chapter 17 goes back and fills in some of what has already happened during the Tribulation. Chapter 16 is when the Tribulation is finished, now chapter 17 covers the specifics of when Babylon the Harlot or the Religious Babylon is Destroyed. Archaeologists tell us that Babylon is the cradle of civilization. Located on the shores of the Euphrates River, the ruins of this city have revealed some of the most ancient documents of past generations. This city begun by Nimrod, who was a rebel before the Lord, authored some of the greatest evils ever to fall on humankind. Two of these evils will be destroyed during the Tribulation period. Revelation 17 is the destruction of the religious Babylon that takes place about the center of the seven years after the antichrist declares himself to be God and no longer needs the One World Religion. In chapter 18 we will read about the destruction of the commercial, political Babylon which takes place at the end of the Tribulation. In ancient days satan seemed to make Babylon the capital of this evil operation. From this headquarters was started false religion, humanitys attempt for self government in defiance of Gods will and city dwellings for commercial and social purposes contrary to Gods command to be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. (Gen. 1:28) These great evils, which have damned the souls of millions by substituting counterfeit solutions to natural human problems that would ordinarily lead a person to God, will all be destroyed at the end of the Tribulation period. Chapter 17 describes the coming judgement of God on the religious system that has enslaved the human race in superstitious darkness for centuries.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:59:24 +0000

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