Revelation of the day: Realised that alot of time we (yes! - TopicsExpress


Revelation of the day: Realised that alot of time we (yes! including me 😊)human expect people who know God or walk closely with God to shine forth like God! Is it possible ? No! (Please! I am not trying to justify the sinful nature of men or even myself so do hear me right😊) we can never do that unless by the Grace and Empowerment of God! Cos remember we are just mere limited, finite and selfish human without His Grace!! However, the Good news here is when we see and know the weaknesses and limitations of men including ourselves, we will then realised the Goodness, the unceasing Grace and Love of God which are beyond human ability and imagination..... Instead of judging and be so hurt by human sinful nature, we will (my personal lesson from God)slowly come to the point of realisation by His Grace that when things happen to us and others, do ask God to pause us and ask God what happen and what is the reason He allows such situations to occur (dont ever think that this is easy for me cos i am just a born again sinful human too). Also, ask Him to give us favour, Grace and faith to pull through this difficult period instead of running here and there trying solve the problem which we can handle. Thus time with Him is soooo crucial and only when we quiet down our anxious heart that we can hear and see His Love and Grace. Surely and truly enough He will reveal to us that He works all things for the good of those who love Him and called according to His purpose be it now or in future! 😊 Praise God! Why? Cos can you imagine if God didnt use the circumstances to show us He is the One and One we can fully dependent on, given time, we will start taking men (be it anyone : this include men or women, in our lives especially our love ones and people whom we look up to or even any materials things we cling to like career, money, houses etc) as God and get hurt even deeper one day (though He is normally gracious enough not to let us hurt so deeply unless we insist on going against His direction (but! Remember the buts i mentioned before? 😊He will still continue to grace and point us to the right direction as always regardless cos He knows we are weak and His love is beyond our imagination! Thank God for His loving kindness!😊 Since all men are imperfect, they will surely fail us one day (not that they want to alot of times but is beyond their abilities to be perfectly dependable as they are not God). Thus, when God corrected our focus, He is protecting us and loving us instead. Simply because He knows Only Him will never ever fail and foreseek us! 😊 Henceforth, after knowing this truth, when someone fails or disappoints us, we can always ask God to give us wisdom and grace us to grace the person (though memory may last longer I suppose... I guess may be God wants us to be wiser in future? So that we can learn a good lesson and move on but stil have a forgiving heart? Let me ask God for the answer then we talk about this😊 )and realign ourselves by focusing only on Him again by His Grace! With God all things are made simple beautiful as our burden and hurt are indeed light cos He is indeed our peace, deliverer , provider, joy and all in all! Thus, rejoice always and rest in His unceasing love! 💗 Yes! Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and All things will be added to us! Praise Him and to God be the glory!💞 ************************************************************************************* When life throw you hot potatoes, pray and receive them as well as ask God what dish to cook by using these abundant provision of potatoes. Then, share this delicious dish graced by God to those who want to hear and praise Him for His overcoming joy and power! 😊 ......Catherine Choos statement inspired by God ************************************************************************************** Would like to dedicate this song to God:
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 08:56:09 +0000

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