Revered Elders Publicly Dump Trash!!? Continuing to lose faith in - TopicsExpress


Revered Elders Publicly Dump Trash!!? Continuing to lose faith in society! We tend to think of the children/youth of today as losing respect and the older folks as having the said respect that is being lost. However, last week on the way to work I saw just the opposite. This one blew my mind! I saw the vehicle pulled over in a common trash dumping spot (east on Beacon Rd from NW Expressway), however, it was a nice looking old couple in a nice vehicle (blue Ford Ranger w/ shell Oregon License WEQ--- (yes, I have the rest but only want their close family, friends, and neighbors to recognize it). I worried they needed roadside assistance as I started to doubt illegal intentions. As I passed by, the driver first glared at me, then proceeded to get out of his vehicle open his canopy and began throwing trash bags into the bushes! Needless to say.., I turned around hard and fast, mobbed up on them and gave them a piece of my mind! They looked at me like surprised children. How could this heavily tattooed degenerate kid in a huge truck be reprimanding them!? They then lied to my face saying they were not dumping any trash! I laughed at them and told them I just saw them do it, pointed the bags out and that I wont standby and WATCH them or anyone else trash and destroy America! Told them that they should be ashamed of themselves and have NO right to say anything about the youth of today that THEY are now directly responsible for trashing Oregon, America, and our Earth. I told them I travel this route everyday and that they now have an option; they just volunteered to pick up ALL of the trash there, and that if they didnt I would have to report it to the police (because its illegal to do what I want to them, the police are my only legal option). I HATE being made to be a rat or nark but sometimes that IS the only legal option in society. I made sure he realized how lucky he was to be old enough not to physically be MADE to do it or I would, and that I felt he would say the same thing if he were in my shoes. I wont do anything as calm and mellow next time! If if I see this sh!t happening again right in public view or in front of me, I will gridlock them in and I will keep them there until police arrive and allow somebody to do something since Im not allowed to (which is also what I told the police after the old A-hole refused to retrieve his refuse). I wont standby and watch this crap anymore; and if this is your grandparents or your parents license plate # I posted online.., oh well; they shouldnt be out in public illegally dumping where I can film them! Give them a piece of your mind, tell them about it too! If theyre your neighbor and you know where they live tell them how you feel! Theyre just lucky Im not as punk as I used to be or... Figure it out America! If there are a few things that are anti-American to me that I cant stand, one is public dumping. There are only a few crimes I WILL always step up to and youll be glad if folks like me are there when you need us because we WONT and DONT walk away and we are prepared when people need our help. This world is in distress. I have less remorse for the ill fate of looser degenerate humans than I do the beautiful animals I hunt, respect, and revere (and you all know what I do to animals hunting). If you wouldnt dump the trash in your own backyard dont dump it in mine/ours! Sorry all but.., not really; I had to get that out. Sooo disappointed! Let people know that some of us still care and will help citizens or a country/world in distress. This world is hopeless but I love it anyway Slightly Stupid. Merica! And Cam out!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 04:18:14 +0000

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