Reversing Chanukah: follow these segulot to turn the 8 days into - TopicsExpress


Reversing Chanukah: follow these segulot to turn the 8 days into the ultimate pagan-fest (18 is my personal favourite): 1. It is a segula to use the most beautiful menorah to show that you are thankful to Hashem for everything you have and for all the miracles that happen to you on an everyday basis. 2. It is a segula to light the candles of Chanukah with olive oil. The reason for this is because olive oil is more sophisticated than other forms of candle lighting material and is a segulah for: • Banim Tzadikim (Righteous Kids), who will be smart and great in the Torah • Excellent memory for you and your family • Good Vision 3. Do not speak any Lashon hara while the Chanukah candles are lit since Hashem visits each house at that time. 4. Many women have found many miracles happening to them when they stayed and prayed by the lights of Chanukah. 5. The fifth night of Chanukah (Dec 20, 2014 Saturday night) is a segula for miracles and to change the order of the world in a positive manner. 6. It is an opportune time to pray for someone to become more religious on Erev Rosh Chodesh Tevet (December 21, 2014, Sunday night) by praying for this by the Chanukah candles. The reason for this is because Avraham Avinu passed away on Rosh Chodesh Tevet and before he passed away, he saw that his son Yishmael was starting to become more religious. If Yishmael was able to become more religious, then anyone can become more religious. 7. It is also a segulah to pray by the Chanukah candles on Erev Rosh Chodesh Tevet (December 21, 2014, Sunday night) for those people who are Jewish and dating non-Jews, for them to leave them and become more religious. 8. There is a segulah for single girls to daven for their match on Erev Shabbat of Chanukah (this year it falls out on Dec 19). First, the father of the house lights the Chanukah candles. The shamash of the menorah symbolizes the mother, while the candles being lit symbolize the children. After lighting the Menorah, the Shabbat candles are lit which symbolize the “Shmor ve Zachor” which symbolizes man and wife. It is at this time that one should daven to find their zivug (symbolized by shabbat candles) and to pray for having a family (symbolized by the chanukah candles) 9. I am unclear of this, but it seems that the eighth day of Chanukah is an opportune time to pray to get pregnant and give birth. When all the 8 candles of Chanukah are lit, one should say Chapter 80 in Tehillim, which mentions grapes. When you pray you should mention just like gefen (grapes) are plentiful and come in bunches, Hashem should also give you children like grapes. Then say just like I had the zechut to light all 8 candles of Chanukah, so too I should be zoche to do the brit mila for my son on his eighth day. 10. If a woman has to go through a surgical procedure or a medical consult, the Ben Ish Chai says, that this woman should take upon herself on one of the days of Chanukah, not including shabbat, to not do any tiring work, such as going to work, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, etc. She just has to stay and read tehillim for the success of the operation or consult. You can pray by the kotel, in your house, or at the grave of a big tzaddik. The Ben Ish Chai says that if the woman does this, then she will have great success. 11. It is a segula for parnassa for the whole year to fry Sufganiyot with lots and lots of oil. 12. Giving Tzedaka after lighting the candles is a big segula for getting your tefilot answered right away. 13. It is a big Segula to light the candles of Chanukah in your house. Rebbe Nachman of Breslev says that when you light the candles in your house, it brings more blessing and light into the house. Hashem himself comes down and visits your house and provides you with all the blessings and miracles you want. 14. After you light the candles of Chanukah, Rebbe Nachman of Breslev says, it is a segula to stay seated by the candles and to pray next to candles for half-an-hour. This allows you tefilot to be answered much faster. 15. It is a segula to say the following Chapters in Tehillim after lighting the candles on all 8 days of Chanukah in the following order: • Chapter 90: Read the last Pasuk from this chapter. “Vayehi Noam Hashem…” Then go straight into reading Chapter 91 • Chapter 91: Segula for protection and salvation from any illnesses or anything bad. Before the Jews went to fight the yevanim, they said this perek and they were able to win. How to say this perek: 7 times out loud, 1 time quietly to yourself. It is not short, but certainly worthwhile. Then, you can also say the following: • Chapter 30: Segula to get rid of fears and anxiety • Chapter 33 • Chapter 67: This perek is in the shape of the Menora and is a Segulah for protection. Here is a link to it in the form of the menorah which is how it should be recited – https://beneisrael.files.wordpress/2013/08/psalm67.jpg Chapter 19 Chapter 100 Chapter 133 Chapter 144 At the end of each of the above Chapters, say the prayer Ana Bekoach which could be found in the siddur after karbanos or before lecho dodi in kabalat shabbos. At the end of these prayers, gaze at the candles and draw the “hidden light.” It is an enormously auspicious time to pray for all your needs. If you cannot recite the above prayers each night of Chanukah, you should at least try to do so on the first night, eighth night and Rosh Chodesh. One needs to make a specific stipulation that only the oil which burns is designated for the mitzvah of Chanukah. Then, put the oil that remains each day into a container which could be used for a refuah sheleima from cellulitis which should be applied to the affected area. Place the leftover wicks in a bag which you can either discard, burn right away or keep it until Pesach and burn with the chometz. It is also very good to hang olive oil in the sukkah throughout the entire holiday of Sukkos in order to absorb the holiness of the Ushpizen and the related prayers which are recited during the holiday. This oil is a powerful segulah to use to light the Chanukah menorah. (You may have to start doing this next year :-)) emunadaily/2014/12/16/segulos-for-chanukah/
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:37:44 +0000

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