Review This is what practical meditation is all about, and this - TopicsExpress


Review This is what practical meditation is all about, and this is why the principles and experiments described so clearly here by Davey are so important. To begin to follow the steps outlined in The Teachings of Tempu: Practical Meditation for Daily Life is to begin the process of unifying our mind and body. Dr. Robert E. Carter is the author of The Japanese Arts & Self-Cultivation, Encounter with Enlightenment: A Study of Japanese Ethics, and Becoming Bamboo: Western and Eastern Explorations of the Meaning of Life. There are numerous reasons why I believe H. E. Davey is the most qualified person to write about the teachings of Nakamura Tempu, founder of Shin-shin-toitsu-do (The Way of Mind and Body Unification). Davey Sensei has not only practiced the methods that comprise this art since an early age, but hes also taught them to Americans for years. Combine this lengthy training with his experience as an author and journalist, and you have a potent combination of attributes. Sawai Atsuhiro is a direct disciple of Nakamura Tempu and the President of the International Japanese Yoga Association. From the Author The Teachings of Tempu: Practical Meditation for Daily Life was written to expose the Western world to a unique philosophy and set of meditation techniques that have the power to beneficially transform your life. I studied these teachings and forms of meditation in Japan, where they are known as Shin-shin-toitsu-do (a.k.a. Shin-shin-toitsu-ho) and The Teachings of Tempu can be thought of as a continuation of my book Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meditation. Shin-shin-toitsu-do, The Way of Mind and Body Unification, was founded in the early 1900s by Nakamura Tempu Sensei. Nakamura Sensei lived in India, where he studied the art of Raja yoga, the yoga of meditation. After studying medicine at Columbia University, he blended Indian meditation and health improvement with his background in medicine, psychology, Japanese healing arts and meditation, and Japanese martial arts. He taught for many years in Japan, authored best-selling books, and counted among his students a large number of Japans top executives, politicians, fine artists, athletes, martial artists, and people from every walk of life. But few Westerners have yet been exposed to these extraordinary teachings. Shin-shin-toitsu-do offers you practical forms of seated and moving meditation, breathing methods for health, stretching exercises, autosuggestion for altering negative habits, stress management, and self-healing techniques that are little-known in the West. Emphasis is also placed on the development of ki (chi in Chinese). Ki amounts to life energy, and its cultivation has a profound effect on mental and physical health. You, like many of my students, may experience greatly enhanced concentration, willpower, calmness, relaxation, and physical fitness. Make a positive and life-altering decision. Consider adding Shin-shin-toitsu-do to your life, and discover a way of living rooted in health, happiness, and harmony. You can do just that by reading The Teachings of Tempu: Practical Meditation for Daily Life.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:24:47 +0000

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