Revised: Open Letter, to every American People, share, post, tweet - TopicsExpress


Revised: Open Letter, to every American People, share, post, tweet and comment. This Video and my comments Says it all!!!!! Are you in or out? Dear America, With all due respect to you and our ill-informed liberal friends. Charity starts at home buddy, you cant save everyone unless you have the resources and we don’t. There is no more republican/Democrat Just plain American unless your one of the millions of illegal aliens I am supporting. We in this country need to stand up and unite “One for all and all for one”! Some of the politicians and most of Corporate America have sold us out to Chinas slave labor as well as other countries. And puppet Obama is just their lackey. Get a clue our manufacturing and industrial base is all but Nott. Where a consuming nation now, not a producing one anymore i.e.: DEFICIT, does that spell it out for you. Why are we not upfront in Space, why do we have to pay Russia to put our Astronauts in space? Fracking, globalization corporate sellouts! However these companies rely on us to keep buying their Products. I say stop buying or start calling and demand a return of our industrial and manufacturing base. Job’s people, And for those lazy do nothing leeches of the world, I say pack them up and drop them off in the middle of Africa and let them fend for themselves. Three strikes your out literally. Furthermore no fault divorce has been the ruin of this county. People have no vested interest in Marriage. What ever happened to? Through the good time and the bad, through sickness and health till death do us part. Fracking people out there in marriage making babies then running for the hills went times get tough. Bu running for the hills I mean seeking others. Cheating and betraying their marriage vows. Then who suffers the children. By God I am sick and tired of the irresponsibility. The I have 6 babies mommas and I have 4 babies daddies mentality has to stop. Murray Povitch and Jerry Springer should be put in stocks for exploiting our youth not made millionaires by it. People start buying more American products and DEMAND our return to space. We should be living a Star Trek kind of life. Hell its the 21st Century. Instead your letting our dear leader put us in a third world non player status, where it cost $6 for a gallon of milk. I say even out the trade deficit with China. They export to us in the trillions. How much of our products do they buy, that is when there not stealing our technology. Oh same goes for fracking Russia too. SOB, when will you people wake up from that fracking bullshit selfish Media bubble they created for you and see the realty? It better be quick before they burst your bubble for you. Or our going to go on living the illusion like the matrix and let other’s control your life. Listen, When both you and your neighbor’s house is on fire. It does not make sense to run out and help him save his house while yours burns to the ground with everything you hold dear in it. Of course since you helped him save his house he will let you live there with him, but under his rules. Get it? Live by this Life formula I created. T+V+FT=K K+TEA=SUCCESS. Success and a love of The Eternal God = Nirvana or Utopia T = Trust we need to trust our fellow man, however we have to, to a degree V = Verify we have to make sure that the people who come into our life. Say what they’re going to do then do what they say. FT = Follow Through. Meaning you have to make sure things are going according to your plan. One Example: If I hire a chief financial officer. I will periodically want to review the books, after all its my money and I have to make sure no one is embezzling money. That equals K. K = Knowledge When you have K you have to T.E.A. Take Effective Action, Now couple that with a love God you get eternal peace of mind. Respectively Submitted, Verne Joseph Finucane Jr. Citizen / Patriot itslifemediagroup/ Getting the Truth Out!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:18:08 +0000

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