Revised brief sermon notes for All Saints Day. Eternally - TopicsExpress


Revised brief sermon notes for All Saints Day. Eternally Praiseworthy SERMON NOTES Matthew 5:1-12. Intro. Carl McGunn was a photographer who had a bush plane drop him off in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness in 1981. But he forgot to schedule for someone to pick him up. What an oofda! He suffered a slow agonizing death of starvation and hypothermia. He had no exit strategy. In this life, it is normal for people to become so distracted with daily life that they have no exit strategy when death surely comes. And it comes for all. Barring Christs return, death is the most just of all -- No exceptions, all necessarily included. In November, our lessons will address key elements of prep and understanding for the Last Day. Today deals with our exit strategy – Faith in daily life. Text. In the Beatitudes, we see mindsets that recognize GOD IS WITH THEM. Such souls repent what grieves God, endure bad situations for his sake, accurately assess themselves before Him, hunger for a pure heart for Him and all, look for situations where people cant readily get themselves out them and help them, manufacture works that show they want all to have life to the fullest (the proper understanding of shaloam), and endure scorn as they bask in the favor of God over men. Gospel. CHARACTER! Resurrected character! The power of Good Friday and the Resurrection are shared in daily life to die to what grieves God and to rejoice Him and His righteousness restored! Back to Text In the movie, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Willy Wonka is testing children to see who is worthy to receive all that he has. Five children are tested. Augustus and Veruca ruin the fun of other children by believing fun is taking all that you can. Mike and Violet ruin the fun of others by believing fun is putting others down. Charlie Buckett is nothing in the eyes of the world, but he is other-centric and just wants to see others happy. Again, Willy Wonka tests character -- Unbeknownst to all! Charlies character makes him worthy to receive all that Willy Wonka has. The Beatitudes show the attitudes of those who can boldly acknowledge the Lord is with them AND live accordingly. Remember this is in Matthew’s Gospel. The beginning of the Gospel begins with the mention of three sets of 14 generations that eventually end up in disappointment. The close of the Gospel is that a new, mighty, and final generation of 14 (Trinity with 11 apostles) arises who rejoices that the Lord is with them. Matthew 28:20 I am with you always, to the very end of the age. The power of the Holy Spirit is to acknowledge the Triune Lord with us 24-7. This godly character is our exit strategy. The Greek word for Blessed be is not what we find in Matthew ch. 5. Markarios is a term from Greek poetry. It means praise worthy, even and especially when not obviously seen on earth. Even though such souls aren’t appreciated here. The Lord yearns to declare praise over them before angels and all mankind on the Last Day. Consider the promises: 1. They belong to God’s true people who will live forever with Him. 2. They will be consoled by Him. 3. The earth will be given to them at the end of time and each will have an amazing share. 4. They will know righteousness fully. 5. They will be lifted out of situations in which they cannot escape on their own. 6. They will see Jesus’ face in glory. 7. They belong to God’s true people who will live forever with Him. (Note this is the first praiseworthy promise). Note KARI is in this Greek term MARKARIOS. Kari is where get the Greek words for GRACE (kari – surprising mercy that causes joy) and JOY – (kara). You are praise worthy before angels and all as you are graciously empowered by the Spirit to acknowledge the Lord, sharing His griefs and joys as your own in day to day life. THIS IS YOUR EXIT STRATEGY. Law. The Law is that we often only want to acknowledge the Lord when it only works for own our personal interest. Gospel again. The Holy Spirit works the blessed work to acknowledge the Lord in the whole of life and to grieve what grieves Him and to rejoice in what gives Him joy – As we would for any loved one. The Holy Spirit creates the desire for a meaningful relationship with Him in daily life. His Word and Sacraments empower us for this life. Stay tuned. The month of November is all about being bold and excited for the Last Day on earth and your first day in the new heavens and new earth.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:36:24 +0000

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