Revive PPP and/or Form A New Political Party? It’s reported - TopicsExpress


Revive PPP and/or Form A New Political Party? It’s reported Omar Jallow (OJ) is working hard to revive his party - PPP. PPP attempted a regroup after supporting the 1st UDP-led coalition. Some thought they wanted to reclaim the presidency/governance and others were suggesting they had register (incorporate) as a party in order to make legal claims of seized party assets. Whatever the reasons old-PPP finds it hard to breakthrough. PPP has somewhat historic-roots and the leftovers of PPP after 1994 are not necessarily connected to that roots. Another limitation for PPP regrouping is that the economic outlay has and power structures have since changes. They’re no longer the ‘provider’ and ‘powerbroker’ they used to be. In fact some of their key constituents are by then key A(F)PRC operatives. We’re all for more political organizations. By extension we like the idea of more Civil Society Organization (CSOs) as it indicates the vibrancy of a society. Congratulations Mr. Jallow! Go for it! What is the New-PPP going to do different from Old-PPP and/or the other political parties? Being different is no legal requirement but if you’re the old-horse you are better off showing how the track is run. Any regroup PPP cannot make head way with the old agenda and message. Giving a laundry list of parastatals can be easily countered by Yahya with his list of schools, road, arch, airport, etc. none of which makes a nation a democracy and/or otherwise. In addition at this stage of the struggle we’re more interested to know what/how any individual/group want to approach our problems. It is the traditional efforts of going to elections against Yahya either as a stand-alone candidate and/or in some union? Is it using some forceful means; military takeover and/or pay mercenaries or hoping some interventional forces may be deplored? It is a civil movement that makes reform demands regardless of who is in power? Election is a democratic instrument. The Gambia is not a functioning democracy and it has never been. That is the problem we ought to solve – make the nation ‘A Democratic Republic of The Gambia’ not just the official label but in practice. The order of solutions of these problems is not election first and then democratization. It is instead the other way around – democratization and then meaningful elections. How we do this were the underlying premises of the plan we outlined last month. The new-PPP and all other political parties would be needed to non-traditional political party roles for sometimes to see meaningful changes that will create the enabling environment for democracy and by extension free and fair elections. We hope the new-PPP see this as they reassemble. The other question is why regrouping PPP knowing the dirty garbage in that closet and not form your own party? OJ is a very good/great Gambian politician. He has charisma, personality, recognition and enthusiasm. OJ reviving PPP maybe more harder than form a new party. It may not also be politically pragmatic and wise to establish your own political identity than to try to rebrand a disgraced group – fairly or not perception matters in politics. There may be good reasons to this effort not known to us such as PPP has a hidden treasure that can be utilize by the party and for the purpose of the party a per a constitution of that party. However if that is the case OJ may still find it harder to reignite this old-bus due to seniority in a party that has history that may/may not entertain his leadership. In such scenario - who are the custodians of such resources? What liquidity state are such resources? Where’re such resources kept? Can it be legally used for political purposes in Banjul, etc.? To say the least so many questions in that scenario. Some political concerns of reviving PPP: i. No leader after Jawara: This problem first surfaced at Mansa Konko Mansa-Bengo and continued to be for most of the last 19 years since they were allowed participation in politics. They failed to produce a national leader nor were they able to come up with any political platform. Certainly they have helped the 1st UDP led coalition. At NADD, PPP fractured into 2-camps, those promoting OJ candidature and those for UDP-led. ii. Evaporated Support-Base: A revived PPP cannot count on the base support enjoyed by the old-PPP. That was a coalition with an identity. That identity is today shared among the various parties but more importantly economic considerations are a bigger determinant than that identity. That historical identity was ‘the rural base’. iii. Significant Demographic Changes: The age class 0-14 constitutes 43.9% of our population. They’re not of voting age but good at energizing crowds. They dance behind Yahya’s motorcade, attend beach parties, run around in unmarked vehicles. They have no knowledge of the past as they are born in the Yahya era. The age class 15-64 constitutes 53.4% of the population. A portion of this group votes (18 and above). The voting age plus 1 were born during Yahya reign. Those 7 years old in 1994 just started Primary Schooling and those 13 were entering secondary school. It is not unreasonable to assume most 32 (19 + 13) year old have no or little influence of Gambia under Jawara. With that estimation over ½ the voting age class is influence by Yahya era than Jawara’s. Only 2.8% of Gambians live at 65 and above – too small to move elections one way or another. I guess these can be good or bad for PPP but most likely bad iv. Inactive Former Members: Most of the top brash of PPP has been very inactive since their overthrow. Not sure how many has desire for politics especially one that you will have to build it as opposed to when they joined an already established PPP. Some Reasons why a New OJ Party maybe the way to go: i. Separate the Future from the Past: Can study our fifty-year political dispensation (advantages/disadvantages) – to avoid some of the known pitfalls but more importantly craft an inspirational program of democratization to rally the nation ii. Establish self as a Visionary Leader: Sweat out his own salt and offer a distinct vision iii. Distinction from PPP: Able to walk a fine line of distancing himself from the ills of PPP while project ability to multiple the goods in his own right iv. Youth and Future: to be able to entice the young not as beggars/parasites but producers in a open opportunity society and project futuristic themes to them than a party of the past Beyond what may/may not be politically good for OJ/PPP – what’re the implications of reviving PPP at this point in time? By that we meant with the on-going efforts to produce a union of opposition political parties but more importantly few months after Raleigh/Sweden Conferences. Our understanding was OJ/PPP were party to all these efforts. We don’t know the answers to any of these questions but certainly enraged our curiosity. Did OJ/PPP conclude there is no one amongst the bunch good enough to lead? Or is it about UDP leader supposedly at or close to the constitutional limit of 65 years? Or is it to earn equal bargaining power at future talks - probably that’s not it because PPP already has a seat at the table. One problem was who was representing PPP and/or self. If that weren’t the case it would be a serious unfair treatment of OJ/PPP considering NDAM has a seat. Or could it be a repositioning in anticipation what maybe brewing up from Raleigh and Sweden efforts? In the world of Finance/Investing that’s what we called ‘buying/selling based on inside knowledge’ (insider-trading). Or OJ/PPP have simply concluded this so-called political camaraderie would not work and it time to move-on? We’ve argued for years now that political union will not work for the purpose of contest elections under a single candidate. It’s unnatural for people of a nation to follow one person whatever the purpose and if coercion is used to build such union it become undemocratic. However we must unite on The Republic of The Gambia (it’s a joint ownership). We must make collective decisions to manage our common affair. This is called democracy. This is what we are found on. It’s a given –period! Everything else is a choice and naturally humans are rational being who given information and absence of coercion will do what best serves their interest. Even if they are wrong they will correct it at subsequent chances. We hope the new PPP sees it this way. We also hope the current political parties and Civil Society Organizations in general see this paradigm shift so we can begin a people centered political revolutions to create a functioning institutional democracy. We can’t wait to welcome OJ/PPP to this unconventional role of what a political party would ordinarily do in a functioning democracy. On the other hand if OJ/PPP are coming to pursue the traditional vote for me – I will ‘make you heaven on earth’ – they’re still welcome. But we also add - good luck! OJ/PPP knows how they’ve managed to insulate self from any political opposition challenges for about 30 years. Yahya employs the same ill techniques put on steroid. In fact we thought that was one reason why no former PPP wanted a direct leadership role in our struggle because they know winning through elections is next to impossibility. That said we should not be surprise after so long for wanting a crack at it – power is powerful and many a times in history blinded human rationality and judgment. Albert Einstein – “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Burama FL Jammeh General Secretary The People’s Movement for Democratic Gambia admin@buramajammeh 810 844 6040
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 12:35:57 +0000

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