Reviving the Importance of The Battle of Karbala and remembering - TopicsExpress


Reviving the Importance of The Battle of Karbala and remembering the Beloved family of The Holy Prophet Sayidinah Muhammad(Salalahu alaihi wasalam) - By Muzzaffar Ali My Respected Elders,Brothers, Sisters and children of Islam I greet you with the Greeting of Islam, Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi wabarakathu. In just a matter of days,The Entire Muslim World will be in the Month of Muharram Inshallah and the term Karbala will be heard Amongst Many people within the society as well as favourable and Unfavourable Remarks with regard to the First Ten (10) days of Muharam with and the Martyrdom of the Blessed members of the family of The Holy Prophet Syedina Nabi Muhammad(Sallalahu alaihi wasallam).The main Objective of this piece of information is to try and Guide all Muslims both young and elderly towards the Correct Understanding of the Battle of Karbala and the Correct Ideology that our Predecessors had shared with regards to the Battle of Karbala that had taken place during the Month of Muharram. Recently, on the 18th of Zil hajj many Muslims had commemorated the Blessed Declaration of The Noble Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasalam) which had taken place at a destination called Ghadir or Ghadirukum where The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasalam) had Stated that For whom I am their Master, Ali is their master(Man Kunto Maula, Fa haza Ali Ul Maula).However my Respected Brothers and Sister, The Holy Prophet Muhammad(Sallalahu alaihi Wasalam) had given the Ummah two more Instructions on this same day withen this Specific Declaration of which were: I leave two Things for you, One is the Book of Allah ie. Al Quran and My Family ie. The Ahle Bayt,Be Careful of the manner in which you Handle my family. This was repeated three (3) times by the Nabi (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam).My Focus here is on the Second Part of this Blessed Instruction of The Holy Prophet Muhammad(Sallalahu alaihi wasalam). We often hear the phrase The old School of thought was the Best School but did we ask ourselves why was it the best System of Thinking and understanding? .The answer to this is simple, It is because our Pious Predecessors had Accepted and understood that an instruction given by the Beloved Messenger of Allah Sayidina Muhammad(Salallahu alaihi wasalam) is Final and should be obeyed which is in this context to Hold on to the Blessed family of the Prophet (Salallahu alaihi wasalam). My respected Elders and youth, without doubt many Great Islamic Events have taken place during the blessed month of Muharam which is of absolute importance for each and every Muslim to understand.However let us not forget or fail to Acknowledge the Sacrifice and Patience of the beloved Grandson of our Nabi Sayidina Muhammad (Salallahu alaihi wasalam), Sayidina Imam Al Hussain (radi allahu anhu) as well as the other blessed Noble, brave and Courageous family members of the Nabi (Salallahu alaihi wasalam) who had formed part of the Seventy two (72) members of the family of the Nabi(Salallahu alaihi wasalam) who stood Bravely facing the Tyrants of Yazid ibn Muawiyah so that both you and I could Practice Islam freely.Inshallah let us Honour the Sacrifice of these Great Individuals of Islam such as the Brother of Imam Al Hussain(radi allahu anhu)Syedina Abbas Al Amdad(radi allahu anhu),the beloved son of Imam Al Hussain (radi allahu anhu) Syedina Ali Akbar (radi allahu anhu),the beloved infant son of Imam Al Hussain (radi allahu anhu) Syedina Imam Ali Asgar (radi allahu anhu), the beloved Nephew of Imam Al Hussain and Son of Imam Al Hassan (radi allahu ahn) Syedina Imam Qasim(Radi allahu anhu) and the other Honorable members of the Noble family of our Nabi Syedina Muhammad(Salallahu alaihi wasalam). History has shown us the acknowledgement by many People of different Religions who Honour our Great Imam Al Hussain ibn Ali (radi allahu anhu) such as Mahatma ghandi and many others.The Question we should be asking ourselves is that if a person of a different religion is able to Honour and remember the Blessed family of The Nabi Muhammad (Salallahu alaihi wasalam), What have our own people become Hesitant in their Faith?. The lessons of the battle of Karbala are many, However there are Three (3) lessons that I wish to place Emphasis upon for the benefit of firstly me and the rest of my respected Brothers and sisters in Islam which are the lessons of Salaah(Prayer), Sabar(Patience)and Haq(Righteous). 1.The Salaah(Prayer) - During the Battle of Karbala the Muslims ie. The Muslims that were on the Right path, were outnumbered by the army of Yazid ibn Muawiya and the ability to perform Salaah was extremely difficult. -Sayidina Imam Al Hussain(radi allahu anhu) had chosen to perform his Salaah even in these difficult conditions. - It was in the Position of Sajadah (bowing down to Allah in Salaah) that the Great Imam Al Hussain (radi allahu anhu) had been martyred. 2.Sabar(Patience) - The family of the Prophet (salalahu alaihi wasallam) were denied water, hence they were extremely thirsty including Sayidina Imam Ali Asgar(radi allahu anhu) - Having not being able to have a single drop of water,The Noble family of The Nabi (salalahu alaihi wasallam) stood firm with complete faith in Allah. 3.Haq(Righteous) - The Objective of the blessed family of the Nabi (salalahu alaihi wasallam) in leaving Madina to arrive at Kufa was not with the Intention of Battle but rather to ensure that the Administration of Islam was carried out in accordance with the principles laid down by The Holy Prophet (salalahu alaihi wasallam) without compromise hence Righteousness. -The Physical conditions faced by the Family of The Nabi (Salalahu alaihi wasallam) leading to the 10th of Muharam had been extremely difficult yet The Noble family of the Nabi (salalahu alaihi wasallam) did not turn away from their objective. My Brothers and sisters, During the Month of Muharam Inshallah there will be Many Gatherings which will Commemorate Discussions about the Great Battle of Karbala.Please take your families and your children to these places to learn and remember the Blessed members of the family of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Al Mustapha(Salallahu alaihi Wasalam). Always remember As Khwaja Moinud-Din Chishti (Gareeb Nawaaz Ajmer) says: SHAH AST HUSAIN, BADSHAH AST HUSAIN DEEN AST HUSAIN ,DEEN PANAH AST HUSAIN, SARDAAD ,NA DAAD DAST DAR DAST-E YAZEED, HAQQUAA KE BINA-E LA ILAH AST HUSAIN. {Husain is Shah (spiritual leader), Husain is Badshah (the administrative leader or the king) of this world. Husain is himself religion and also the one who gave shelter to the religion. He preferred to give his head but not his hand to Yazeed. The fact is ...Husain is the foundation of The Religion, the foundation of la ilah ilallah} May Allah the Almighty Protect us all from the Whispering of Shaytaan and instill into our Hearts the love for the family of the Nabi(Salalahu alaihi wasalam). Ameen - Muzzaffar Ali
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:43:35 +0000

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