Revolution leader Pavel Gubarev is holding a speech to the nation: - TopicsExpress


Revolution leader Pavel Gubarev is holding a speech to the nation: No surrender! No retreat! We will be victorious! Dated May 27: For the past day the Kiev government has commited a new portion of crimes, the war crimes. As a result of the artillery strike onto the civilian area of Slavjansk civilians and children has died. Besides the Dead Squads (Punnishers Executors, a typical term for Kiev loyalists) have killed and wounded a couple of reporters, - theyre dong give a sh*t whom to shot for quet a long time. ...journalists, women, children... forgrget it! All of the Geneva conventions are long time left behind. A fasistic entity, envaded us from the teh west, as 70 years ago. It had zero value for the lives of civilsts. In the name of ists criminal military-political targets. Please, pay attention, it werent we, who sieged the aiport of Kiev! Its not us, whos using the heavy altirelly against peacefull towns and peacefull houses! But the Kievs full-time Psackies (a referrence to a red-head-chick from USA) are calling us terrorists I only have one question, whos the terrorist here? Whos the terrorist over here? Weve never brought the war to the Kiev! Were only protecting our land, our families and our kids from the grey scum (a traditional color of extremism in Russian culture) that is sneeking all the time from the West towards us leaving dead bodies widows, cripples, orphans, on the ways.... As we have warned, the elections of the 25th of May havent ade the life easier but contrary Poroshenko (the lately kinada elected president) is again moving towards us. Hes comming here to spill a blood of the simple people. As a battlefield, those unhumen have chosen the once blossoming land of Donbass. Against the Rebel home guard, the heavy altiery is being used. The rebels have only small guns. But anyway, the armed vehicles and airstrickes are used against us. The UN-Securety concil said nothing.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 02:20:47 +0000

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