Revolutionary Pan Africanism forces us to raise practical problem - TopicsExpress


Revolutionary Pan Africanism forces us to raise practical problem facing Africa today, such as:- Is Washington sincere in its concern to stop the LRA from terrorizing East Africa or is it to counter China’s influence in the region? It is assumed that Washington’s goal is to capture or kill Joseph Kony and members of the LRA. AFRICOM’s propaganda is aimed at the African population to justify its presence. But is Joseph Kony dead or alive? Since the KONY2012 video that went viral, CBS news reported later that same year that Ugandan soldiers were starting to question themselves if they were actually “chasing a ghost”: An Internet campaign that’s gone viral aims to capture notorious rebel leader Joseph Kony, but Ugandan foot soldiers who have spent years searching for the man are starting to ask a question their top commanders prefer to ignore: Is it possible he is dead? The answer of whether Joseph Kony is alive or dead becomes immaterial, of significant importance is the analysis and conclusion PAC come to in eth 1959 Pan Africanist Manifesto in which the party has vividly pointed out that " Wave upon wave European settlers came to Africa and their penetration of the interior involved the loss of sovereignty by the indigenous peoples and the alienation of more and more portions of their land. With the rise of the industrial capital of Europe and its increased search for raw materials and more markets, the partition of Africa went apace and the doctrine of “effective occupation” was enunciated, a theory calculated to “sugar coat” the bitter pills of robbery and political subjugation." Amidst "political independency" Africa continue to be a happy hunting ground of imperialism resulting to the political oppression, economic exploitation and social degradation of the indigenous African masses. African workers and peasants joined by the students and youths must unite and rise against imperialism. Trade Unions, students and youths must stage protests at all American and British Embassies demanding immediate withdrawal of AfricaCom and NATO. Neo-colonial governments must be overthrown or outvoted by the African People and be replaced by revolutionary Pan Africanist formations based on a socialist programme to nationalise the land, mines,banks and all commanding heights of the economy. Revolutionary Pan Africanists should double and multiply their effort on mass political education to heighten the political consciousness of African workers, peasants, students and youths. Revolutionary Pan Africanist Activists should lead formation and coordination of mass based organisations such as trade unions, students and youths organisations, and community based organisations. Forward to Africa Without Borders Campaign! ALL WEALTH TO THE WORKERS AND POOR! AFRICA MUST UNITE AND SOCIALISM IN OUR LIFETIME! FOR VICTORY NOT DEFEAT!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 15:12:33 +0000

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