Revolutions and change do not appear in vacuum! Increased chaos is - TopicsExpress


Revolutions and change do not appear in vacuum! Increased chaos is an integral part of a revolution. By iqbal.latif Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:50 PM world-newsnewtonrenaissanceamerican-revolutionfrench-revolutionpapacytwitter-revolution DISCUSS: 7 11 ! Article Photo @ In Iran, mullah production capacity of Qom outstripped the will of the bazaars to gain freedom from yoke of religious dogma and tyranny. People in the region of Islam become accustomed to dogmatic tyranny as a result of inscribed submission to the will of Allah, a concept of pre-destination… Why Revolutions and change do not appear in vacuum: The basic reason Twitter Revolution failed was due to the fact that a revolution cannot be led by wolves in sheep’s clothing. It owes its whimper fizzling out to the inability of Musavi in completely cutting his strong links with radical Khomeini thoughts; to wipe out the 1979 revolution in Iran, it needs a completely new slate. Revolutions are about replacing old ideas, about hierarchy and tradition with principles of new Enlightenment based on citizenship and inalienable rights. The modern era that has unfolded in the shadow of the French Revolution mark their birth during the Revolution. The growth of republics and liberal democracies, the spread of secularism, the development of modern ideologies and the invention of total war all owe their meteoric rise in the human sphere as a result of revolution. Revolutions and change do not appear in vacuum. Works and ideas of philosophers and several Enlightenment figures influenced important thinkers of both the American and French Revolutions. The academic origins of the French revolution were John Locke, Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet. Revolutions are inspired by the prophets of Enlightenment. Until Iranian/Arab enlightened philosophers are brought ahead of the sacred writings, no revolt is possible. Revolution is freedom of mind from dogma, you cannot have dogma and freedom together - a melange that was proposed by the green so-called democratic forces of Musavi. Article Photo Is Iranian/Arab world ready for enlightenment like Dechristianisation of France during the French Revolution and Civil Constitution of the Clergy? The French Revolution brought about a massive shifting of powers from the Roman Catholic Church to the state. Is the Arab world ready to take the powers of the Mullah away? If this happens, revolution in the Iranian/Arab world will be a tradition not an exclusive event. “French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from liberal political groups and the masses on the streets. Old ideas about hierarchy and tradition succumbed to new Enlightenment principles of citizenship and inalienable rights.” “The French Revolution began in 1789 with the convocation of the Estates-General in May. The first year of the Revolution witnessed members of the Third Estate proclaiming the Tennis Court Oath in June, the assault on the Bastille in July, the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in August, and an epic march on Versailles that forced the royal court back to Paris in October. Article Photo Reform and revolution bring a change of direction and thinking does not multiply ignorance, debauchery, depravity and transgression. Revolution of Protestantism owes its birth to corrupt Papal practices. Indulgence credits of the old days are like the Carbon credits of today: In the dark ages, when Papacy held control of mens consciences and few dared to think, one method which she practiced to supply herself with money was the sale of indulgences. The indulgence was a permission to sin and yet be free from its consequences. It is recorded that Pope John XII granted ninety thousand years of pardons for deadly sins for the devout repetition of three prayers written in a chapel in Rome. It was the sale of these future indulgences for money which awakened and aroused a few such honest souls as Luther and gave rise to the Reformation movement, called Protestant, because of their protests and objections to this and other evils recognized in Papacy. The slide of Iran cannot be arrested by half measures of lesser dose of religion rather an eradication campaign aimed at revolution to be democratic and freedom akin to the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen! Musavi cannot deliver this; he does not have the credentials. And any revolution led by reactionaries who perpetrate continuity of doctrine and faith that has lost all significance will just fade away or result in Robespierre and the Jacobinians’ anarchy. (Popular sentiments radicalized the Revolution significantly, culminating in the Reign of Terror from 1793 until 1794 during which between 16,000 and 40,000 people were killed. After the fall of Robespierre and the Jacobins, the Directory assumed control of the French state in 1795 and held power until 1799, when it was replaced by the Consulate under Napoleon Bonaparte). Religious fervour of any state will lead to more complications. Man’s affair with God is his private matter; the states that sponsor the link with man and god through enterprise of state ensures discrimination of attitudes to those who fail to ascribe to the version of the mullahcracy or clergy. Until papal bulls ran the affairs of Europe, no renaissance was plausible. It was only after papacy was bundled to Rome that renaissance appeared. The ability of man to think freely helped Newton in Cambridge to write Principia Mathematica (The Principia states Newtons laws of motion, forming the foundation of classical mechanics, also Newtons law of universal gravitation, and a derivation of Keplers laws of planetary motion which Kepler first obtained empirically. The Principia is justly regarded as one of the most important works in the history of science”). Article Photo Once calculus (in formulating his physical theories, Newton developed and used mathematical methods now included in the field of calculus. But the language of calculus as we know it was largely absent from the Principia; Newton gave many of his proofs in a geometric form of infinitesimal calculus, based on limits of ratios of vanishing small geometric quantities) was properly defined, we were able to design internal combustion engines, the harnessing of forces of nature in designed environment through our intelligence produced the productivity boost that helped human population and productivity stagnated since last two millennia to jump exponentially. (Human population was 210m in around 100 AD and until 1000 AD increased to 270m from 1000 AD to 1800 AD the population increased to 900 m but after that in 200 years we are 7 billion and much better off). How science helps progress the freedom of mind! Thinkers and scientists like Galileo and Newton are fathers of Enlightenment.It was Galileos and Newtons conception of the Universe based upon Natural and rationally understandable laws that became one of the seeds for Enlightenment ideology. Locke and Voltaire applied concepts of Natural Law to political systems advocating intrinsic rights; the physiocrats and Adam Smith applied Natural conceptions of psychology and self-interest to economic systems. Philosophers and several Enlightenment figures whose works and ideas influenced important thinkers of both the American and French Revolutions. The academic origins of the French revolution was provided by likes of : John Locke, Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet. They in turn were inspired by Galileos and Newtons conception of the Universe based upon Natural and rationally understandable laws that became one of the seeds for Enlightenment ideology. Locke and Voltaire applied concepts of Natural Law to political systems advocating intrinsic rights; the physiocrats and Adam Smith applied Natural conceptions of psychology and self-interest to economic systems. Article Photo Revolutions are inspired by these prophets of Enlightenment. Until Iranian/Arab enlightened philosophers are brought ahead of the sacred writings no revolt is possible. Revolutions only succeed when a society is able to embrace new realities. If society chooses to live in space of decadence and old thought, any revolution will only be a tool to accelerate its descent to ignominy and disasters. Iranian Islamic Revolution is one great example of that permanent decline where 5000-year old cradle of civilisation lost its significance and primary important status of intellectual greatness to some ruffians and radical louts. Article Photo People ask why we question instituted truth. Legitimacy of so-called established truth is the cause of intellectual self-indulgence and degeneracy of ideas. What is fossilisation of mind? It is the worst ailment that affects most of us, but we rarely go to any specialist to seek help. Our clergy and soothsayers become our authority to seek remedies from malady of thoughts; they straitjacket us into thousands of years-old hold of incoherent fables and ask us to follow those for eternal nirvana; we create our own divisions of man based on antiquated ideas from scriptures, though it is just a matter of time we all as humans shall be one. It is stagnation of mind that destroys balance of humanity. It is the established wisdom that needs to be questioned; any thought that abhors free enquiry based on rationalism and reason does not deserve to survive. Hierarchy of deceit that is imposed by the orthodoxy of established clergy is first to be challenged on all occasions. When someone talks about progress of a society I will ask them where their philosophers, thinkers and writers are; why are they not questioning; where is enquiry sitting on the list of their priorities. If one doesnt openly question the root of ills of our society, he becomes part of the ill. Anyone who is liked by everyone has to question this universal likeness. Once someone showed me how universally he is liked and I saw a coward right in front of me; idol smashers are not conformists but iconoclasts. Article Photo Today we need to talk about precise, surgical operations that are needed to cleanse this rampant puritanical streak of self- righteousness. It is not Islam-phobia to question cause and effects of delay in the emergence of renaissance and actions to overhaul antediluvian thinking processes; it is only through volte-face and restructuring that we will be able to eradicate from the organic body of political Islam tentacles of its enormous fanatic infrastructure. We need our unwavering resolve to question and condemn the ills of lunatics and fringe killers who have taken upon themselves to make this earth heaven by making it hell for everyone. keyboard shortcuts: V vote up article J next comme
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 12:31:42 +0000

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