Rex Fritchey August 20 at 10:44am · Edited . Confirming - TopicsExpress


Rex Fritchey August 20 at 10:44am · Edited . Confirming the year, 2017 is mid-tribulation. Chapter 12 of Revelation gives 4 signs that must be present for Godss timing to unfold as He purposed. These signs that are given in Rev. 12 are: (1) woman clothed with the sun, (2) moon at her feet, (3) giving birth to a single, male child, (4) [ In the heavenlies at this time in 2017, The King Planet, Jupiter, is right between the Constellations legs, and there is a crown of 12 stars. There are the SAME, rare, celestial signs that were shown in the heavenlies when The Bethlehem Star led the Wise men to Bethlehem at Jesus birth.Remember, also, that Jupiter was the King Planet that was identified as the Star of Bethlehem in the famous Bethlehem Star documentary. It is the ONLY object in the sky that meets ALL NINE of the conditions the Gospels mentioned of the Star of Bethlehem! 2017 is THE ONLY DATE that meets all four requirements or conditions for Revelation 12. No other date meets the requirement. What is the significance of this? This means that Revelation12 would be , THE MID-TRIB point of Gods wrath being poured out on Earth. There are 42 more months of tribulation to go at this point and the Seven Trumpet Judgments and the Seven Vial Judgments will be far worse than the preceding 7 Seal Judgments (as horrific as they were), in the first half of the tribulation, also, lasting 42 months. That is why from mid-trib , to its consummation, it is referred to as THE GREAT TRIBULATION. This is the period, precisely, as well, when Anti-Christ is mortally wounded in the head but is miraculously (Perversely, resurrected), by the False Prophet. This is the time frame where the 144,000 Jewish Priests who evangelized the world the first 42 months on Earth, are raptured into Heaven, as well. Also, if we backtrack from this mid-trib point of reference we now have, and go back to the start of the tribulation in September (Rosh Hashannah) 2014 [whatever day or hour that might be], IT IS, PRECISELY 1,260 DAYS. Another hair raiser is the fact that from Passover (April) 2014, to the mid trib point in 2017, is precisely 6,000 days of creation that God gave man to sow and reap. Taking 40 years as an average generation, that means God allowed 150 generations, total, for man to rule and find out he could NOT do so, effectively, without God. In all these 150 generations, you will recall that God wanted man to work 6 days and rest on the Sabbath. The 7th. day, God referred to (in Hebrew) as a shematah year.Well, the 7 year tribulation represents the LAST shematah year cycle for these 6000 years and God wil be re-establishing a NEW CYCLE and a NEW BEGINNING with His Son, Jesus as LORD OF LORDS and KING OF KINGS, leading all the nations of the world in His Thousand Millennial Reign of Peace. A day with the Lord is as a year and a thousand years is as a day. (2nd. Peter 3:8) That means there will be a NEW BEGINNING... God will have restored and cleansed the Earth. It will be brought back to its original, pristine conditions, BEFORE the fall of Adam. God provided man 6 [the number of man] DISPENSATIONS or appointed times, to rule on Earth. God rules, the 7th. Dispensation [the Sabbath], for a thousand years and throughout all eternity from that point on, Praise His Holy Name. Maranantha! There are only 36 days from the time this article was written until the start of Rosh Hashannah. on Sept 25. Even 36 is telling us something, Brothers and Sisters. 3 For The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, and 6 for man to GET READY for the time is short. How do we KNOW? Because Jesus gave us all the signs and clues in the heavenlies to read, and ALL the SIGNS have, perfectly, manifested themselves in Diviner Order, as per Gods precision, and plan. One day, soon, the last tomorrow, will be TODAY. Time will not just go on and on as it is. God will bring down the curtain on the Church Age just as He did the Age of Law, when Jesus shed His fiorst drop of sinless blood to the ground. When the first drop of His blood hit the ground, that started the Age of Grace. Not one nano-second was lost in the transition. The same is true when we depart the premises, shortly, to be with Jesus in the twinkling of an eye. The Feast of Pentecost will be closed out. and the Feast of Trumpets...(THE LAST TRUMP 1 Corinthians 15: 51-54) will be the CALL that is the CHURCHs ASSEMBLY CALL, to rescue us from the twenty judgments The Father is fixing to release upon an unrepentant world, and it will catch millions of unprepared souls, like a thief in the night. But, we, Brothers and Sisters, are not children of the darkness...but we are children of the LIGHT...and, as such, we will not be caught unaware when The Day of The Lord comes. Noah was given one week advance notice of the flood, and I believe The Father will tell The Bride of Christ, one week in advance, (as He did Noah), when we will depart, as well. God never changes and He shows no special favor to any of His Children. I remember when I was in the Army, at Fort Sam Houston, during the Vietnam War. When it got down to a month or so of remaining active duty, I marked the calendar and we became known as short timers. Well, Brothers, and Sisters, I believe, with all my heart that we are short timers and whatever alerting we must do and intercession for any unsaved in our family...we need to be getting with it, for TIME IS SHORT. Anyone that doesnt believe that is (1) either in the world and likes where they are, or (2) Doesnt really care, or (3) is UNSAVED. None of these are where any of us should be, now, especially, at this late time! We have WORK TO DO and need to do it quickly while there is still time. .
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:31:35 +0000

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