Rheumatism The term rheumatism comes from the Greek and means - TopicsExpress


Rheumatism The term rheumatism comes from the Greek and means flowing or dragging pain. Today is meant by rheumatism all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are not caused by an injury or tumorous changes. A uniformly definable disease rheumatism there is not so. The generic term rheumatism fall some 400 diseases that are very similar in part, in the cause, symptoms and course but can also be very different. The most important forms of rheumatic complaints Joint disease due to wear (osteoarthritis). Eg knee joint degeneration Joint disease caused by inflammation (arthritis). For example, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing Becherow Diseases of soft tissues: this refers to, inter alia, tendons, muscles and subcutaneous tissue rheumatic pain as side effects of other diseases: eg. Gout Rheumatic complaints, which are due to the wear and tear of joints or diseases of soft tissues, are the most common. Less common are chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic. This refers to a long-lasting inflammation of multiple joints. However, Rheumatic diseases are not confined to the musculoskeletal system. Rheumatic fibrositis can occur in all organs, for example as Eye infections (including in the iris or sclera) Pleurisy Pericarditis, valvular or myocardial inflammation Kidney infections Intestinal inflammation Vasculitis Neuritis Brain inflammation Rheumatic complaints on which organs are involved, are dangerous part and must be properly diagnosed and treated immediately. For this purpose modern medications and therapies available. The disease, however, does not only occur in the elderly. Often already ill infants in the dangerous form, are infested with the internal organs. Causes As varied the forms of rheumatism, so different are the causes of the complaints. Wear and tear of joints are often a natural concomitant of the aging process. In additional damage and inflammation can cause pain can be triggered. This turns the natural Abnützungserscheinung a disease (osteoarthritis). The cause of joint inflammation (arthritis) is largely unclear. What is certain is that this disturbance in the control of the bodys immune system and the inflammatory response play a role. The disease can also occur even in young people. Chronic arthritis seem to be genetic: Because there are families in which the disease occurs more frequently in the course of generations. Symptoms Characteristic of many rheumatic diseases is the typical pain that occurs mainly in peace and may thus disrupting the sleep significantly. By moving, he is improving. Typical is also a pronounced and prolonged morning stiffness. Joints are affected, there is often swelling up to the joint effusion. Often these symptoms are initially misinterpreted, for example as Miniskusproblem unnoticed injuries, or as a result congestion of lying on a bad bed mattress. Wide have some rheumatic diseases symptoms, they are difficult to recognize as such. These include initial symptoms such as fever, unclear diseases of internal organs, a general feeling of illness with flu-like symptoms (headache, blurred vision). In extreme cases the disease with dangerous ailments such as heart, lung or bowel infarction, stroke or severe circulatory problems begin. Diagnosis of arthritis Arthritis is often very difficult to diagnose an appropriate diagnosis can be made only after months or even years by the doctor often. It is definitely recommended, consult a doctor if unexplained swelling and pain of one or more joints. By special laboratory and x-ray examinations can restrict the number of possible causes of disease.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:12:17 +0000

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