Rhodesia as the BREAD BASKET of AFRICA. That was when White - TopicsExpress


Rhodesia as the BREAD BASKET of AFRICA. That was when White farmers farmed there. Now they have all been KILLED, left or died and removed by MUGABE in his ZIMBABWE having now substituted them for his own Black farmers who are totally and completely ignorant and or too lazy or not committed to FARMING in the least. NOW I notice that a BILLION DOLLARS in that land, buys three eggs. A BILLION Dollars cannot even buy a roll of toilet paper and as a result of this it has been noted that to WIPE your backside with a BILLION DOLLARS, is indeed cheaper and more PRACTICAL than using toilet paper. WELL what I note is that Mugabe has at least done one good thing and that is to make all Zimbabweans the richest people in the world during his dictatorship of 30 plus years. VIVA MUGABE!!!! I cannot and have not ever had a MILLION dollars in my hands but the poorest of the poor in Zimbabwe are now all of them BILLIONAIRES. Methinks will he be remembered for that whilst the rest are all running away to the North and South of AFRICA. WONER WHY they then VOTED for him? WHAT is the matter with people? They VOTE for a CHOSEN MAN spending HUNDREDS of MILLIONS to get him elected like OBAMA,...and then what they WISHED FOR and voted for,...is suddenly no good anymore???? CRAZY people YES? In OBAMAs case it was TWICE in row. MADNESS??? Like ZIMBABWE America is in the same boat and soon now the IMPLOSION of the Federal reserve Bank PONZI scheme will be manifested when the BUBBLE BURSTS. We have now established BRICS that will soon be BRIGCS when GERMANY JOINS hands with supporting Brazil, Russia, India, China nd South Africa as a purely survival strategy to get out of the DOLLAR Circle and join them in the YUAN takeover. Then the EAGLE will crash and like the ZIM dollar, be worthless world currency. BELIEVE IT! It is coming. Angela Merkel in Germany KNOWS this. I do not think these BRIGCS ones are so IGNORANT not to see the WRITING on the wall when AMERICA now indebted to the tune of $17Trillion and the OWNER of the FED BANK hiding away $500 TRILLION when planning to reduce the world Population by BILLIONS in their BLUEPRINT of the One world economy and going cashless society with the RFID on one hand and FEMA on the other where the CHOICE will be placed on the people themselves to not have a choice.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:06:42 +0000

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