Rhone Sonnier Louviere - rhonesonnierlouviere - GOOD CLEAN - TopicsExpress


Rhone Sonnier Louviere - rhonesonnierlouviere - GOOD CLEAN LITERATURE NEWSLETTER - October 25, 2014 - rhonesonnierlouviere Ron and I spent some quality time at the San Marcos River today. I read my kindle while he enjoyed some therapeutic time in the water. Many of you might already know that time in a pool or river helps remove inflammation from the human body. As we humans grow older, most of us cannot escape some form of arthritis. The San Marcos is fed by 200 natural springs and has great mineral benefits. People use this river year round; what a blessing to have that available to us. When we arrived at that particular city park (we have so many and they all have river access), there were multiple vehicles unloading canoes and young boys and men were boarding the crafts and starting a journey down the river. I was unable to ask who they were, but my assumption is that it was a boy scout troop out for fun and exercise on the river. The other day we saw canoes manned by college students - more than likely a botany or preservation class from Texas State University. Another group was gathered at the river for baptizing. I asked what church they were from and was told that their church was in Austin. People of various ages were baptized while church members sang hymns in Spanish - very beautiful and touching. After their baptismal service was over, the congregation gathered around some tables for food and fellowship. A couple of other tables were occupied by two men manning smokers that were laden with food being cooked for another gathering later in the day. Children were cavorting in the 72 degree water, dogs were fetching toys thrown into the river by their owners and all the while Ron was enjoying the activities and bathing in the San Marcos. Needless to say, we are having some beautiful fall weather in our part of Texas and hope that you are experiencing the same where you live. May God Bless each and every one of you, Barbara and Ron Sonnier P.S. We are still editing and rewriting the manuscript for Signal 2 Murder, Déjà vu (Book 2 in the Sorrell Mystery Series) when our days allow; we look forward to publishing it soon. Our first two books, Biloxi Rhapsody and Signal to Murder, are available at amazon and major book store on-line sites. The books are also available in Kindle format at amazon. rhonesonnierlouviere Mystery, Suspense, Murder, Psychological, Inspirational, Fiction, Family Mystery suspense detective inspirational fiction writers. Thrilling psychological multicultural novels about family, a... rhonesonnierlouviere
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:26:51 +0000

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