Rich, After the toughest primary election of his life, Mitch - TopicsExpress


Rich, After the toughest primary election of his life, Mitch McConnell is running scared. His campaign and its Super PAC allies have already spent millions on deceptive ads attacking Alison. This month, a poll from Republican polling firm Magellan Strategies confirmed Mitch McConnells worst fears, showing Alison leading Mitch 49 to 46. This is the 19th recent poll that has Alison ahead of or tied with Mitch. Weve been able to keep this race competitive because grassroots supporters like you have helped us fight back against Mitch McConnells destructive politics at every turn. In less than a week, we will hit our critical second quarter FEC fundraising deadline. Its an important opportunity to show Mitch McConnell and his Super PAC allies that, just like Alison, we dont scare easy. Contribute $5 or more now to show Mitch McConnells corporate and special interest backers the power of our grassroots team. Contribute today! Theres a lot at stake in this race so its no surprise that millionaires and billionaires are trying to buy this election for Mitch McConnell. This recent poll is another sign that Kentuckians are ready for a U.S. Senator who will put people before partisan politics and fight for working families instead of special interests. Alison has the dynamic energy and fresh ideas to end Mitch McConnells three decades in Washington. But we need your support to beat the special interests that Mitch has served for years. Donate now and help us oust Mitch – just $5 can make a big difference. With your continued support, we can keep our momentum going with a great showing on the next FEC report. Thanks for your support, Team Switch Alison for Kentucky
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 01:38:42 +0000

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