Rich Dad also mailed me today! Greetings Jeremiah, I’m - TopicsExpress


Rich Dad also mailed me today! Greetings Jeremiah, I’m writing you to address a concern. I’ve just seen a horrible statistic about the layoffs and unemployment problem. I’m not talking about the lies our governments feed us. I’m talking about the true numbers, and they are not good. I think we all know people who have been laid off and been unable to find another, or found another position that pays far less. We all know the economy is worse off than the government is saying. We were all taught that getting steady employment was the way to fulfillment and happiness. Instead, it’s lead to uncertainty and a complete lack of control over your life. In the following email and emails (not sure how many) I want to teach you what I learned from my Rich Dad. As a child I saw my mother and father constantly argue over not having enough money. This is nothing new. For decades money has been the number one reason people cite for getting divorced and for being unhappy. To allow such an important part of our lives to be controlled by other people – bosses and financial advisors- just seems dangerous and almost evil. Even as a child, I began to look for a mentor who could teach me about money. That is how I came to study with my rich dad. I studied with him from the age of nine until I was 38. He knew about business and I needed to find a teacher that could instruct me. Because of my rich dad’s training I was able to retire at the age of 47, financially independent for the rest of my life. If I had followed my poor dad’s advice – the advice of being a good employee until I was 65 years old – I would still be working today, worrying about being employed and worrying about my pension plan filled with mutual funds that keep going down in value. Here’s what’s scary to me: I’m older than 65, but I would still be working. Nowadays many people are not able to retire and often work until their death. That could have been me. Don’t let it be you. In my next email I’ll start to share some of rich dad’s lessons as I learned them so long ago. Please look for these emails and share them with friends. To making life better, Robert Kiyosaki
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 11:27:35 +0000

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